
Why Perfect Bar is the Only Bar You Should Be Eating

I didn't think much of this Perfect Bar when I first gave it a try. I thought, ,"Oh, another health food bar that all of the wellness Instagrammers and bloggers are raving about. Great! Amazing! Whatever — I'll give it a try. Whats the harm?" 

Now hold up. Wait a minute. Let me tell you that Perfect Bar is the next big thing on the health food scene. From the taste profile to the ingredient list, this bar is doing everything right. It is as if you are biting into a bar of peanut butter fudge, made of all organic, non-GMO, soy-free, and gluten-free ingredients.

Not convinced yet? Lets start from the beginning. Perfect Bar was launched in 2005 in San Diego, CA by a family of eight children who spent their lives traveling across the country in a motorhome while their dad gave various talks on how to lead a healthy life. This was the Keith family, and this was reality. Their dad, Bud Keith, wasn't too stoked on all of the unhealthy food options that were available on the road, and thus created what would soon become known as the Perfect Bar. All hail Bud. 

As the kids grew older, and their dad became sick, they decided to risk it all and put their dad's bar to the test. A simple recipe quickly turned into a thriving business. Perfect Bar was no longer a road trip snack for the Keith's, but rather their livelihood. 

12 years later this company is thriving. Perfect Bar now has 12 different flavors of peanut butter and almond butter based bars. For a full ranking of all of the different bars check this out. All bars are high in protein, packed with nutrients, and organic, making them the best snack to keep you full for hours. Did I mention that each bar also contains 20+ organic superfoods which means you will probably turn into superman/woman after eating one? Ok, not really, but these bars will definitely leave you feeling energized and ready to tackle whatever comes at you. 

Now before you start freaking out about the calorie count on these bars lets get one thing straight. Nutrients are far more important than calories. Each flavor is made of real, simple ingredients and that's all that matters. Alarms may also be going off in your head as you see the amount of sugar per bar, but silence those voices in your head. I promise there is an explanation to this and that is honey baby, honey. As the second ingredient on the nutrition label, honey is what makes these bars a sweet treat and it is the only added sweetener.

Perfect Bar has set one thing straight, and that is that they are not messing around with any processed crap. No chance are they compromising calorie count or grams of sugar for poor ingredients. 

This bar should also not be limited to just a bar. Instagram has shown me that Perfect Bar is quite versatile and can be a tasty addition to any yogurt parfait, ice cream sundae, or smoothie bowl. Chop it up, and throw it on top of whatever your heart desires, because everything tastes better with some added PB/AB. 

Who doesn't dream of eating a stick of nut-butter? Perfect Bar allows your dreams to become reality. These bars are sold in 5,000+ retail locations across the country from Whole Foods to Target and can be found in the refrigerated section because #fresh. So what are you waiting for? Get at it and go try a Perfect Bar for yourself. I wholeheartedly promise you you won't be disappointed.