
Overcome Homesickness in College With These 5 Tips

As a third-year college student in Atlanta who was born and raised in the sunny state of California, I can be the first to tell you that homesickness in college gets real. Moving all the way across the country to pursue my education is one of the best decisions I've ever made, but the homesickness that comes along with the move was pretty difficult for me (and still is sometimes). I had to figure out on my own how I would stop wanting to go home all the time, so here are five tips to overcome homesickness that still work for me.

1. Get Involved On Campus

I know it is tempting to stay in your room and binge watch all six seasons of Scandal, but going out and feeling like you are a part of something is essential. There are so many phenomenal organizations on campus; you just have to find the perfect one that fits your interests.

2. Explore Your College Town

One mistake I made my first year away from home was staying in my room instead of exploring the city as much as I should have. There are so many parks, yummy food spots, hole-in-the-wall book stores, and coffee shops to discover that will make you feel right at home. 

3. Make Your Room A Second Home

Making your dorm room feel like home is a major key to getting rid of homesickness in college. A great, inexpensive way to transform your room is to pick some cute photos from your camera roll and print them at your local CVS or Walgreens. Hang them along with some cute lights on your wall and I guarantee you'll feel a million times better.

4. Make Friends From Your State

Being so far away from home can be difficult, so finding peers who can relate to your struggles can help you transition into your big move. There are countless inside secrets that only Californians can relate to (like the struggle of not having In & Out for long periods of time). Once you find these connections it will feel a lot less lonely and there will be people who understand exactly how you feel. Having friends to share your across-the-country college experience with will be beyond helpful.

5. Communicate With Family Back Home

Last but not least, keeping in touch with family and friends back home will help you get rid of some of that homesickness in college. My first year away from home, I would do this thing where I would not call my parents for days to keep myself from missing them more (which was not the best idea). I realized that being able to keep in touch with my family through Facetime is probably one of the best things Apple has created. My dad and I would even watch basketball games while on the phone with each other, making the distance between us feel a lot smaller. 

Moving across the country for college is a huge decision and it definitely comes with some bumps along the way. Using these five tips to overcome homesickness in college will make every day you spend away from home a piece of cake.