Cuffing season is upon us, which means it’s time to get cozy with a significant other. No one’s around to keep me warm and I’m so over itchy winter sweaters, so it’s time to channel my inner feminist, get naked, and take things into my own hands. I got spicy all by myself and mixed up a mad easy Mexican hot chocolate with tequila, which I threw back out of a marshmallow shot glass. Yes. Went there. Got warm. Felt nice. Mission accomplished. So much better than a boyfriend, amirite?

Photo by Max Bartick

Spiked Mexican Hot Chocolate
Take dat hot chocolate mix and pour it in a mug.
Add that cinnamonâ¦
Drop your cayenne pepper in da cup. Mix it up. Awesomeee.
Spike it with two shots of tequila. The real shit. No apple juice or urine, kids.

Marshmallow Shot Glass
Stick a fork in your lilâ mallow man.
Roast the bottoms and sides over the stovetop until theyâre golden brown.
Flip it upside down. Take a second fork and slide the marshmallow off the roasting fork.
Let it sit. Let it sit. Let it sit. Let it sit. The inside will scoop out and be the perfect vessel for your shot.
Spoon some of your hot chocolate into the mallow shot glass.
Throw the shot back, then eat the marshmallow on the spot.
So. Damn. Good. #mallowdrop