It’s finals time, and we all know what that means — endless nights of studying in the library and the stress-induced snacking that comes along with it. While it’s all too easy to satisfy your craving by grabbing a bag of salty, greasy potato chips at the library cafe or vending machine, eating such foods at 3 a.m. does not make for a healthy week. Unhealthy snacks actually make you more lethargic and unmotivated — basically the exact opposite of how you want to feel while powering through a week full of papers and exams. However, I know all too well that you don’t crave healthy foods in times of stress. With this microwave-friendly recipe, you can make your own potato chips and get the salty-snack fix you need while saving some serious calories and avoiding energy-burning foods. They also make for a killer side dish.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 8-10 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
3 russet potatoes
1 tablespoon parmesan cheese
1/2 tablespoon black pepper
1/2 tablespoon salt
1/2 tablespoon garlic powder
1. Slice 3 russet potatoes about 1/16 of an inch think, or paper thin.

Photo by Alison Weissbrot
2. Grease a microwave-safe dish or bacon tray by rubbing with olive oil.
3. Lay potatoes flat on microwave-safe dish or bacon tray.

Photo by Alison Weissbrot
4. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese, salt, pepper and garlic powder.

Photo by Alison Weissbrot
5. Microwave for 8-10 minutes on high, or until golden brown and crispy. Delicious served both hot and at room temperature.