Limited edition teas are popping up everywhere in stores, and here’s a creative way to use those teas than in just plain water. In this case, we went extra basic in terms of flavor and number of ingredients with a pumpkin spiced tea infused oatmeal. You can always replace the pumpkin spice tea with another flavor of tea.

Photo by Hana Brannigan
This recipe only requires 4 main ingredients that you can feel good about eating.
Cashew milk is slightly thicker than almond milk, and a good nondairy alternative but still has a good dose of vitamins and a roughly around 30% calcium. Oatmeal is a low cholesterol heart healthy food that is filled with fiber that will keep you sustained for the day. Tea is just good tasting, especially when it’s pumpkin flavored. Stevia is a good alternative for sweeteners because it’s natural and doesn’t raise blood sugar levels.
Tea-Infused Oatmeal
Heat up your milk or water for about 1 minute in a medium sized bowl.
After heating the milk or water, seep your tea for about 7 minutes. After 7 minutes is up, squeeze the tea bag into the bowl so you get a little extra flavor.
Add in the rolled oats and stevia, or sweetener of choice.
Add any mix-ins such as fruit, nut butter, granola, or chocolate chips.
Either eat it right away, or cover and store it in the fridge overnight for the next morning so you have a prepared breakfast.