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Marg Ingredients

5 O’Clock Fridays: Honey Jalapeño Margaritas

You might’ve been curious what goes down at SpoonHQ (hint: follow spoontv on Snapchat). No, we’re not fat tubs of lard who eat all day and write about it. Our team is made up of a group of hardworking machines who pump out content to make your Facebook and Instagram feeds better, obviously. But come Fridays we’re pretty pooped and – often in my case – hungover AF from a Thursday night out on the town (dead giveaway: my hair).

honey jalapeno margarita

Gif by Sammie Ho

What’s the best way to cure a hangover? Hair of the dog. We gathered up some random office ingredients, because we’re scrappy post-grads, and made a beverage to rehydrate. Totally eyeballed e’erthang as I went, but if you want to try to recreate this dope drink at home (it’s really good), here’s my guess at how to do it.

It’s 5:00 somewhere, so start drankin’, peepz.

honey jalapeno margarita

Gif by Sammie Ho

Honey Jalapeo Margaritas




  1. fill it w some alcohol

    Pour 1-5(?) shots of tequila into a Solo cup. #college

  2. pour that shit in

    Squeeze some orange, lemon and lime juice into your tequila.

    This is how to DIY triple sec if you’re poor. Pour that shit in.

  3. awk tobasco sauce

    Put a “dash” of jalapeño Tabasco sauce into your concoction. Add more if you have balls (like me).

  4. pour honey

    Squeeze some honey in there.

    Add extra if you’re a p*ssy and can’t handle the heat.

  5. chill it over ice

    Chill over ice.

    Spoon Tip: If you don’t have a shaker (who does tho?), pour it back and forth between 2 cups (by Anna Kendrick).

  6. line with honey

    In another v classy Solo cup, line the rim with honey.

  7. salt the rim

    Salt it up, salt it up. Nice rim job, buddy.

  8. garnish

    Pour your drank into this fancy ass glass and garnish with a lemon or lime wedge.

  9. insta it

    Insta or it didn’t happen. Hint: Chrome on your iPhone looks dank. @spoonuniversity, have you heard of it? #spoonfeed

  10. CHEERS

    Drink up, kidz.

Partnerships. Fiends for chicken fingers, green M&Ms, sriracha mayo and #5oclockfridays.