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11 Ridiculous Vodka Flavors You Won’t Believe Are Actually Real

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UIUC chapter.

Whether it’s peach, berry, mango or just plain (yeah, I’m talking to you, daredevils), most college students have their preferred flavor of vodka. If you think you’re wild for trying pink lemonade Burnett’s, prepare to reevaluate your life. Pull up your barstool and try out some of these crazy vodka flavors.

1. Wasabi Vodka

vodka flavors water wine
Photo courtesy of @c.zellers on Instagram

For the sushi lover who just can’t get enough spice. 

2. Peanut Butter and Jelly Vodka

vodka flavors cream ice
Photo courtesy of @vangoghvodka on Instagram

To remind you of your favorite childhood food/the food that you still frequently eat whenever you forget to go grocery shopping.

3. Sriracha Vodka

vodka flavors ice juice
Photo courtesy of @uv_vodka on Instagram

Just one more way to get your fix of Sriracha at every meal.

4. Buttered Popcorn 

vodka flavors sweet juice
Photo courtesy of @theallenhermanvegan on Instagram

Now that we know that real Sriracha and popcorn work well together, I’m curious to see how the flavored vodkas would taste together.

5. Cilantro Vodka

vodka flavors vodka alcohol
Photo courtesy of @jemontemarano on Instagram

If you aren’t one of the many who think that cilantro tastes like soap, you might just enjoy this vodka.

6. Horseradish Vodka

vodka flavors ale beer
Photo courtesy of @stevethephoenix on Instagram

Guaranteed to clear your sinuses, or maybe just the contents of your stomach.

7. Fresh Cut Grass Vodka

vodka flavors water beer
Photo courtesy of @tealkraken on Instagram

Because who wouldn’t want to have a drink that tastes like a freshly mowed lawn?

8. Bisongrass Vodka

vodka flavors wine beer
Photo courtesy of @felafunk on Instagram

If fresh cut grass wasn’t specific enough for you, this type of vodka will do it — except you’ll be pleased to know it tastes more like a combination of woodruff, vanilla, coconut and almond. 

9. Smoked Salmon Vodka

vodka flavors whisky wine
Photo courtesy of @mrs.cale on Instagram

Chase it with a cream cheese covered bagel topped with capers and call it brunch.

10. Scorpion Vodka

vodka flavors gin beer
Photo courtesy of @chakashaune on Instagram

If taking shots alone isn’t enough to send shivers down your spine, drinking this might just work.

11. Tobacco Vodka

vodka flavors
Photo courtesy of @chakashaune on Instagram

This is said to taste just like cigarettes — I’m nauseous just thinking about this combination.  

If you’re feeling creative, your inner mixologist could use these vodkas to whip up a cocktail. Or you know, you could do it the college way and try it in a shot glass with a solo cup of Mountain Dew nearby. But try these crazy flavors at your own risk and don’t say you weren’t warned.

#SpoonTip: Spoon University does not support binge drinking or underage drinking. Please drink responsibly, 21+ friends! 

Self-proclaimed Pizza Queen, frequent bruncher, and food pun aficionado.