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DSG feature new 2

Your DSG Presidential Candidates Talk Food

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Duke chapter.

With the Duke Student Government elections right around the corner, we decided that it was important for the student body to hear the candidates’ thoughts on one of the most important issues: food. From thoughts about on-campus vendors to spirit foods, read on to see what Annie Adair, John Guarco and Tara Bansal had to say to Duke Spoon.

Disclaimer: Duke Spoon is not endorsing any of the three candidates. We believe all three candidates would perform admirably if elected. This article is not a political statement.

Annie Adair


Photo courtesy of Annie Adair

Current DSG position: Chief of Staff
Major: Public Policy with a minor in Political Science
Favorite food: Pizza

Duke Spoon: Where’s your favorite place to eat on campus? Off campus?
Annie: On campus, definitely the law school café. Have you ever had their salmon caesar salad? Not only is it cheap, but it’s also delicious. Off campus, I’m kind of torn. I’m a big breakfast person and I adore Monuts (trite, I know). I used to have a running list on my phone of all the fun flavors of donuts I’d tried but then I realized one that was weird and two it was really sad how many different kinds I’d had. But I also recently went to the most incredible new Venezuelan restaurant on main street in between Erwin Mills and Crescent called Guasaca. If you haven’t tried it you absolutely must – it uses a Chipotle model, except for arepas instead of burritos and it’s awesome.

DS: If being elected DSG president meant that you could add one food item to all of the vendors on campus, what would it be and why?
A: Duke has so much variety already I don’t know if I would bring one thing specifically…but if I could bring one food vendor back to campus, it would be Alpine Bagel. From talking to alums, it sounds like the one thing that can bring Blue Devils and Tar Heels together is a love for Alpine Bagel.

DS: What food do you miss the most from home and why?
A: I’m from the DC area and my entire extended family lived within a 20 minute radius of my house, so we used to get together often for birthdays and holidays. There were so many dietary restrictions in my family – celiac, diabetes, allergies to all different foods – that the only thing we could ever agree on was take-out from this place called Moby Dick’s House of Kabobs. It’s a DC chain and we’ve been going there for decades, so it always reminds me of home and spending quality time with all of my relatives. That to me is like the ultimate comfort food.

DS: Duke’s mascot has to be changed tomorrow from the Blue Devils to a food item. What is it?
A: If there is one thing I’ve realized since coming to Duke it’s that Duke students love brunch, so it would definitely be brunch related. We’re also in the South, so maybe it would be a biscuit or something. But since it’s Durham, it would definitely have to be a biscuit made with locally grown, non-GMO, organic flour that was purchased at a farmer’s market and cooked in the new teaching kitchen that’s going to open in the West Union. So that’s it – a southern, organic, non-GMO biscuit that was baked in the teaching kitchen in the West Union.

DS: What is your spirit food and why?
A: Oh wow this is probably the hardest question I’ve gotten so far campaigning! There is no answer I can give that my friends or future employers won’t find and give me flack for later, so I’m just going to go ahead and say chocolate covered pretzels. I am very sweet, but at times I can also have a saltier side.

John Guarco


Photo courtesy of John Guarco

Current DSG position: Executive Vice-President
Major: Political Science with minors in Economics and Russian and a Philosophy, Policy, and Economics certificate
Favorite food: Eggplant Parmesan

DS: Where’s your favorite place to eat on campus? Off campus?
John: My favorite place to eat on campus is the Divinity Cafe! Gotta love their weekly lasagna and their grilled cheese. My favorite place to eat off-campus is definitely Chipotle.

DS: If being elected DSG president meant that you could add one food item to all of the vendors on campus, what would it be and why?
J: Chipotle. If I could add one food item to all of the vendors on campus it would invariably be Chipotle- Chicken burritos with guacamole are the way to go.

DS: What food do you miss the most from home and why?
J: The food my mom makes every night when I’m home. I love my mom.

DS: Duke’s mascot has to be changed tomorrow from the Blue Devils to a food item. What is it?
J: Nutella. We’re sweet.

DS: What is your spirit food and why?
J: My last name is Guarco…so, perhaps guacamole – “Dip your vote in some Guarcomole!”

Tara Bansal


Photo courtesy of Tara Bansal

Current DSG position: Vice President of Academic Affairs
Major: Public Policy and Global Health with a minor in Economics
Favorite food: McDonald’s pancakes

DS: Where’s your favorite place to eat on campus? Off campus?
Tara: On campus I love the taco bar that Marketplace has for lunch once a week. I will go seriously out of my way for a good taco. Off campus I’m a fan of Local 22.

DS: If being elected DSG president meant that you could add one food item to all of the vendors on campus, what would it be and why?
T: Pancakes.

DS: What food do you miss the most from home and why?
T: Challah French Toast– apparently it’s only a thing in the Long Island/Manhattan area, and other French Toast just pales in comparison.

DS: Duke’s mascot has to be changed tomorrow from the Blue Devils to a food item. What is it?
T: Blueberry pancakes.

DS: What is your spirit food and why?
T: Pancakes.

Don’t forget to cast your vote March 1st and 2nd for Duke Student Government president!