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Your Grandma Now Has A McFlurry At McDonald’s

You just can’t go to McDonald’s without getting one of the classic McFlurry’s. Nothing beats the mixture of soft serve ice cream and mixed ingredients, topped with some sort of extra sweet syrup. And now, McDonald’s is combining two of the world’s favorite things — McFlurry’s and grandmas.

What is the Grandma McFlurry?

The name can be misleading. The grandma McFlurry blends the classic vanilla soft serve ice cream with chopped up candy pieces and sweet syrup. The candy is supposed to mimic the hard, crunchy candy that all grandmas seem to keep in their purses. Think of the Werther’s Butterscotch that universally all grandmas carry around.

Grandma McFlurry
Photo courtesy of McDonald’s

It’s meant to resemble a treat your grandma would give you as a kid, giving it the taste of “a trip down memory lane,” according to Tariq Hassan, Chief Marketing and Customer Experience Officer at McDonald’s. It’s a great (and delicious) way to honor grandmas everywhere.

When can I get the Grandma McFlurry?

It’s coming to McDonald’s stores on May 21 and will be available for a limited time only, so get your hands on it ASAP.

Amanda Brucculeri is the fall editorial intern for Spoon University, where she covers food news and emerging trends. Beyond Spoon University, Amanda works as the podcast editor for Boston University News Service, where she oversees a team of reporters covering news through audio. She also writes for the city column of The Buzz Magazine, and is the host of a true crime radio show on WTBU student radio. She is currently a junior at Boston University, majoring in journalism with a minor in public relations. In her free time, she enjoys curating playlists, trying new restaurants, and watching movies.