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What I Think Barbie Would Eat In A Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Rutgers chapter.

Barbie took the — now-pink — world by storm. Her nostalgic story, empowering persona, and fierce femininity won over a lot of our culture and our minds. If you’re like me, you still think about her and the movie on a regular basis. As I was contemplating what I should eat in my days, it struck me that I would LOVE to know what Barbie would do. Without further ado, here is what I think Barbie would eat in a day!  


I know we saw Barbie eat her iconic toast and “drink” her milk in the movie, but I think she would go for something more refreshing — like a smoothie bowl. It could be a banana or acai base, and I think she would even add pitaya for that amazing pink hue. She would top it off with berries, a Nutella drizzle, and maybe coconut shavings. It is very aesthetically pleasing and equally as indulgent.

Snack #1:

I can see Barbie stopping for fruit, perhaps an apple, or making Ants in a Log. Something fun but also healthy would be a good treat before lunchtime.


Pink Pasta! It’s made with beets, and the color is very on-brand for Barbie! This recipe is filling, easy to make, and very pretty! Who said your food couldn’t look good, too?

Snack #2

Fruit Snacks! Very nostalgic and yummy. Special shoutout to the Barbie fruit snacks I had last month. They were even better than the regular ones.


As Barbie is a classic in American culture, so are burgers and fries! I think she would really enjoy a hearty burger and waffle fries for dinner. I’m picturing an indulgent and maybe gourmet burger recipe like the ones I imagine Gordon Ramsay serves at his restaurants. A side of delicious crispy waffle fries and a soda would be a great way to end the day. This is the perfect satiating dinner that Barbie would eat after a long day of hard work. After all, being an astronaut, author, doctor, or scientist is not easy.


Growing up, I was obsessed with Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse, and I can proudly admit that I’ve watched every single episode. Because of this, I know that Barbie would absolutely love some homemade sherbet to end the day. Although animated, it did look delicious in the series.

Notable Mention: Coldstone’s “All That Glitters is Pink Creation” (which I sadly was unable to try).

I hope this article was a fun read and inspired you to maybe eat like Barbie for a day or think about what you think she would eat!

Final note: Always remember that you literally are Barbie, and anything and everything you eat is what Barbie would eat. Barbie eats the same as you do, so don’t feel like you have to adhere to a certain diet or standard! Whenever you have a dilemma, think WWBD (What Would Barbie Do)! 

Hello! My name is Parthavi, and I am studying Human Resource Management and Psychology.