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10 Creative Ways to Use Overripe Bananas (That Aren’t Banana Bread)

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UVM chapter.

Banana bread has risen to the status of “Quarentine’s Most Beloved Baking Treats.” But in baking so much banana bread, have we lost respect for the endless possibilities that ripe bananas can become? Here are some of my favorite ways to use ripe bananas that aren’t banana bread. 

1. Nice-Cream

Nice-cream blends frozen bananas and whatever mix-ins you prefer. I like peanut butter powder and chocolate chips, but you can also add fruit like strawberries or mango. 

2. Smoothie Bowls

bananas strawberry frozen strawberries
Caroline Ingalls

Get some coconut shavings, nuts, and crunchy granola for this one! I blend bananas, blueberries, hemp seed, chia, and coconut milk for a fresh morning smoothie. 

3. Banana Pancakes

You’ll need spices, ripe bananas, oats, and egg for this variation on a breakfast classic. 

4. Coffee Cake Banana Bread Muffins

I had to add at least one spin on traditional banana bread! These muffins are baked with love and tons of streusel on top. 

5. Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Oatmeal Bars

If you need a wholesome on-the-go treat, try making these peanut butter banana chocolate oatmeal bars (and try saying that ten times fast…) They’re portable and stay fresh for several days- though I doubt they’ll be around long! 

6. Banana Ice Box Cake

Although it’s already the end of summer (how did THAT happen), you can always make room for ice cream. This icebox cake is super easy to make and stick in your freezer for la         ter. 

7. Banana Babies

After all, there’s always money in the banana stand.

Make these banana babies (aka banana pops) by sticking popsicle sticks into bananas and freezing. Cover in chocolate, nuts, sprinkles, peanut butter, or whatever your heart desires. 

8. Cinnamon-Sugar Banana Donut Holes

Donut holes are the handier version of regular donuts. You can pop a couple in your mouth while you’re walking through the kitchen and not think anything of it. 

9. Banana Breakfast Wraps

I love adding a swipe of peanut butter (especially Fix & Fogg’s Coffee Maple PB) on a whole-wheat wrap with sliced bananas, chia seeds, and crunchy granola. It’s a great pre-workout snack! 

10. Ice Cream with Pan-Fried Cinnamon Bananas

These cinnamon bananas would taste great when paired with coffee, cookie dough, vanilla, peanut butter, fudge, or chocolate ice cream. 

Sara found her passion for writing and editing as an editorial intern (and later copy editor, managing editor, and editorial director) at bSmart Guide: an online women's publishing platform focused on women's wellness and professional mentorship. She became the president and editorial director at Spoon University-Vermont in March 2020. When she's not writing, Sara enjoys reading, fitness, yoga, and hiking. She currently lives in Vermont and studies Environmental Studies, Food Systems, and Nutrition & Food Science at UVM. After graduation, she plans on pursuing a M.S. in Agricultural Extension Education and becoming a 4-H Youth Development Coordinator.