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Fighting the Freshman 15: Syracuse Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Syracuse chapter.

Being that the most common freshman fear is that we are all destined to gain that late-night snacking and drinking weight, I decided to turn that scenario into a myth. Syracuse University offers affordable healthy-eating options as well as a brand new health and wellness center to say physically and emotionally in shape while still having fun. If you’re the type to hang in the dorm constantly, there are a variety of healthy snacks to store in your room available on and near campus. Here are some tips for fighting the Freshman 15.

1.  Breakfast in the Dining Hall

gluten-free beer wine
Kimberly Kao

Although breakfast is typically an easily-skipped meal, it is essential to jumpstart your metabolism. As hard as it is to wake up for those 8 a.m. lectures, getting out of bed 20 minutes earlier can give you time to get to the dining hall for an energizing breakfast.

Whether you’re in Dellplain, Sadler, BBB, or upon the Mount, there is an omelette station for a protein-filled meal at every dining hall. I start every morning with 3 scrambled eggs with spinach and cheddar cheese. Instead of reaching for unhealthy grits, pancakes, and bagels, I choose an omelette or cereal with almond milk. Each dining hall has a cereal station with 20+ cereals. Try to stick to the Kashi and Special K rather than the fat-filled Captain Crunch or Fruity Pebbles. It is hard to resist, but your taste buds can be easily trained to crave the healthy choices rather than the junk. Also, each dining hall offers to-go boxes, which I find helpful when I am in a rush, can’t find a friend to eat with, or need to study. 

2. Always Keep Snacks in Your Backpack

Food Essentials cutie tangerine
Jocelyn Hsu

Everyone gets hungry during the day, and running from class to class doesn’t always give us enough time to grab a healthy option. Keeping 2 or 3 snacks in your back at all times is an easily accessible option. Some snacks I recommend are nuts, protein and fiber bars, or dried fruit. I always carry Trader Joes Trex Mix or a chocolatey bar. Think Thin and Fiber Delish bars satisfy my sweet tooth while providing nutritional value. All of these snacks contain protein and fiber to fill you up until your next meal. Yes, Goldfish and Doritos sound more appetizing then nuts, but they lack nutritional value and will hold you off for only about 30 minutes.  

3. Stay in Shape at the Barnes Center 

Thanksgiving gym treadmill
Denise Uy

Three to four times a week, I suggest devoting an hour to an hour and a half to working out. Not only does exercise keep me in shape, but it relieves my stress and lets off any frustration. Instead of binge-eating when I am stressed for an exam, I exercise. Who doesn’t want to devour a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream? The truth is that you will be stressed many times in your freshman year, and eating poorly every time will lead to weight gain. While I have fallen into the sweet or salty trap a couple of times, I realize that I feel healthier and stronger when I cope with exercise. 

Syracuse’s newest building is composed of a multi-floor recreational facility, health and wellness center, and amazing fresh smoothies. For someone like me, who prefers to do cardio and/or abs, the first and second floors are your best bet. There are ellipticals, treadmills, stairs, bikes, weights, ab and leg machines, etc.

My exercise routine is as follows: Elliptical for 30 minutes, walk on an incline for 10 minutes, abs and legs for 30 minutes, and I finish off with arms for 15 minutes. If you’re a sports guru, check out the third floor’s basketball court. In addition to personalized workouts, the Barnes Center offers a bundle of classes to socialize and stay in shape simultaneously. Yoga, Zumba, cycling, barre, and aqua fitness classes are available every day to sign up through the Wellness Portal on MySlice. 

4. Keep Track of Your Health

Fighting the Freshman 15 chocolate candy
Rose Ferrao

Living on my own is a transition because I am now solely responsible for taking care of myself. I was told to invest in a Fitbit, and it is the best decision I have made in college so far. With a Fitbit, I am able to set multiple goals and visually keep track of my achievements. It keeps track of sleep habits, heart rate, food, and water intake, etc. Avoiding exercise is common, but a daily goal of 10,000 steps is the easiest and least time-consuming way to fight the freshman 15. Freshman dorms are a hike to reach, and without a car, it is certain there will be an intense amount of walking. 10,000 steps typically burn about 2,000 calories, so for the days the gym is not in the picture, make sure to at least fulfill that goal. Don’t have a fit bit? Apple Watches and the health app on your phone track your steps as well. 

5. Keep the Fridge Stacked

Fighting the Freshman 15
Emma Henzes

Keeping healthy snacks in the dorm is vital to staying energized and on track. Dining halls close breakfast at 10 a.m. on weekdays, so snacks are necessary for the days where you don’t have early classes. I keep Special K Cinnamon Brown Sugar Crunch, instant oatmeal, bananas, and almond milk in my room for breakfast. Keep at least 3 breakfast items in the dorm, so you don’t get sick of food quickly. Once every few weeks, grab some friends and go food shopping. Wegmans and Trader Joes are the prime locations for finding snacks.

Too lazy to get up? Instacart is a mobile app that allows you to order groceries online and have them delivered that day. Some snacks I recommend are hummus and carrots, yogurt, peanut butter, rice cakes, and granola. Even when you’re glued to the bed, make sure to keep the protein intake high.

6. Late-Night Snacking

The most tempting part of college…midnight snacks. College is about having fun, but also keeping a balanced diet. Eating some waffle fries and a milkshake from Kimmel or Acropolis pizza is okay sometimes. Fighting the freshman 15 does not necessarily mean you can’t enjoy eating. Planning ahead is the key to success in college. If you know that you’re going out and you know you’re going to have late-night cravings, make sure to eat extra healthy during the day. As long as you maintain a well-balanced diet, the freshman 15 will stand to be a myth.

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Chloe Davis

Syracuse '23

My name is Chloe Davis. I am from Long Island, NY. I am a freshman at S.I Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University with a major in Public Relations. I love photography, cooking, tennis, and especially food!!!