If you are anything like me, three meals a day just doesn’t cut it. Without fail, every night at 11 pm I get hungry. This would be a catastrophe if it weren’t for the massive box of snacks under my bed and my stocked mini fridge. So what does your go-to late night snack say about you? Or more importantly, what does it say about your stress level?
Cereal & Milk

Photo by Delaney Strunk
You totally have your act together. Cereal is quick and easy, and allows you to get down to business with minimal interruption. Good work.

Gif courtesy of giphy.com.
Extra Cheesy Mac ‘n Cheese

Photo by Tiare Brown
You’re trying so hard to stay calm and collected. But let’s be real, you’re basically drowning your sorrows in that Annie’s White Cheddar. I applaud your effort, but you should probably just go to bed and try again tomorrow.

Gif courtesy of giphy.com.
Ginger Root Tea

Photo courtesy of trendybloggers.com.
You’re ridiculously zen, and it’s actually pretty annoying. Can’t you at least pretend to freak out about the stats midterm with the rest of us?

Gif courtesy of giphy.com.
Double Shot Espresso

Photo courtesy of tumblr.com.
You have fully embraced that you are basically screwed and have a long night ahead of you. Luckily, this probably isn’t a first time for you, so at least you’re a pro at last-minute-panic-inspired work.

Gif courtesy of giphy.com.
Red Wine (from the bottle)

Photo courtesy of authoritynutrition.com.
Let’s be honest, you’ve had a rough day and are pretty much just wallowing in self-pity. I would recommend abandoning all efforts to do homework and instead catching up on The Bachelor. Don’t worry, Ben’s got your back.

Gif courtesy of giphy.com.
Veggies & Hummus

Photo by Kendra Valkema
You like to pretend you have things 100 percent under control. But stop kidding yourself and get a grip; eating tasteless, stringy vegetables at 11:30 pm won’t solve your problems.

Gif courtesy of giphy.com.

Photo courtesy of tumblr.com
A personal favorite. These are the moments when you know you will be up all night but are determined to ace that midterm you literally just started studying for. Good luck.

Gif courtesy of tumblr.com
Matcha Chia Seed Pudding With Cashew Milk

Photo by Brooke Bierhaus
You’re too obsessed with being a vegan to get stressed out. Literally just stop. Have fun pretending to enjoy your bizarre nut milk while the rest of us eat ice cream.

Gif courtesy of giphy.com.