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9 Healthy Foods to Eat When Craving a Snack

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Syracuse chapter.

Here are some healthy snacks that any college student can utilize during a study break, homework or in between classes.

1. Granola

Healthy Snacks muesli cereal
Kristine Mahan

Granola is a great snack for eating healthy. Granola is known to improve digestion, increase energy levels and can help boost your immune system. Not only does Granola have great health benefits, but is also available in many different forms and flavors. From snack bars to cereal to in yogurt to plain granola, and with strawberries, blueberries or bananas, everyone can find some variation that works for them. Additionally, it is very easy to find, with some form of granola in every supermarket, as well as in the dining halls.

2. Fruit

Healthy Snacks
Jocelyn Hsu

Fruit may be a more obvious choice, solely due to the widely known benefits that it provides. Overall, a diet rich in fruit can reduce the risks for various cardiovascular diseases, as well as strokes. Each fruit has different health benefits including strawberries which contain antioxidants and are a good source of fiber, blueberries which can help lower blood pressure and improve memory, and bananas which can aid in heart health and can help fight anemia. In addition to being healthy, fruit is offered at dining halls, cafes around campus (such as Starbucks), as well as any shopping market.

3. Almond Butter

Healthy Snacks peanut butter butter
Jocelyn Hsu

If you’re allergic to nuts, like I am, stay away from this one. If you’re a big nut and/or peanut butter person however, try this out. Almond butter has magnesium in it which is great for heart health and regulating blood pressure. Also, consuming nuts in your diet is known to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Almond butter is easy to get your hands on and can be enjoyed by itself, on toast, with fruit or in yogurt.

4. Cereal 

Magic Spoon cereal corn
Kristine Mahan

Clearly, this doesn’t mean Trix or Captain Crunch. Cereals such as Special K and Kashi are generally healthy, for the most part, and provide fiber and are made with whole grains that can reduce the risks for some chronic diseases. They can be eaten dry or with milk and are provided at every dining hall as well as at every grocery store.

5. Applesauce

Healthy Snacks apple
Jasmine Chan

Applesauce, or plain apples, contain Vitamin C which can help boost your immune system, protect against eye problems, and can fight heart disease. Additionally, it contains fiber which can help your digestive system and keeps you feeling full for longer which can help with constant eating while bored. Applesauce can be bought at any grocery store and is generally inexpensive. 

6. Anything with Chia Seeds

Becky Hughes

Chia seeds are a good source of antioxidants, iron and calcium which are all extremely important to include in your diet. Additionally, chia seeds expand with time in water. After consumption, the chia seeds will expand in your stomach leading you to feel fuller for longer. Chia seeds can be added to granola, yogurt, and practically anything else.

7. Rice Cakes

healthy dorm snacks sweet cake
Ashley Blume

Rice cakes, while plain tasting on their own, are low calorie and can be used as a great substitute for crackers or bread. They can be a great substitute for toast when using a nut butter, honey, or cream cheese and is extremely easy to make. Additionally, they are easy to find and not very expensive.

8. Trail Mix

Healthy Snacks nut almond
Christin Urso

Trail mix is a great study snack. With protein, fiber, and healthy fats, trail mix can keep you fuller for longer which can help with overeating. Nuts, seeds, and dried fruits are all packed with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants which are all part of a healthy diet. Trail mix is also an easy snack to make yourself, and relatively inexpensive if you want to buy it. 

9. Dark Chocolate

chocolate made with olive oil chocolate on wood chocolate in shade
Cory Cole

Last, but certainly not least, dark chocolate. With tons of antioxidants, fiber, and countless minerals, dark chocolate is known to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk for heart disease and can improve brain function. Although it should be eaten in moderation, dark chocolate is a snack you can use to reward yourself with during a study session or homework.

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Sofia Menes

Syracuse '22

I go to Syracuse Univeristy and am studying to be a high school English teacher!