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How to Survive Exam Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Queen's U chapter.

Exam season can be a scary time. There’s a lot of pressure, everyone around you is stressed, and you have so much studying to do in so little time. Everyone is going through the same thing, whether they’re living in Stauffer or hiding in their rooms. Even though exam season can be dreadful, there are many tips and tricks to help you survive. Don’t worry; once you finish reading this you’ll have all the power to make it through exam season alive!

1. Make a Study Schedule

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I am a very organized person, so this tip is a must. I know you’ve probably heard this one before and think it seems more helpful than it actually is, but trust me on this. Study schedules are such a great tool and can be used in so many different ways.

Personally, I like to use a calendar on my computer and put in all of my exams and due dates to plan what I am going to accomplish each day. Some people like to use a paper agenda and plan each day by the hour so that they don’t get off track, and others like to make sure they include activities such as going to the gym.

This is a fabulous way to manage your time and get rid of a lot of unneeded stress in order to survive the dreadful few weeks ahead.

2. Find A Good Study Spot

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There are so many great places to study, on and off campus, that are just waiting to be discovered. You may know what the perfect studying environment is for you, or you may still be waiting to find it. Either way, a study spot that works for you is essential to survive exam season.

Classics include Stauffer, Douglas, Co Gro, and even your own room. However, I encourage you to venture out and look around campus if those aren’t working for you. Have you ever tried going to an empty classroom? Or going downtown to one of Kingston’s many coffee shops? The JDUC is also a great location that is not used as often as it should be! Take the time to find a study spot that is perfect for you and what you need.

3. Bring Snacks On-The-Go

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No matter where you choose to study, snacks are a necessity. Believe me, I’ve gone days without leaving the library and I packed food so I wouldn’t have to risk losing my precious seat at lunchtime.

If you’re studying in a quiet place like the library you may prefer a snack like a smoothie, as opposed to a loud bag of popcorn, to avoid turning heads. Some personal favourites that you can throw in your bag include trail mix, fruit, overnight oats, granola or protein bars, or anything small and full of energy.

It might not have been the best decision, but I once spent an entire day eating strictly trail mix in the library last year. It happens to the best of us.

4. Don’t Forget About Self-Care

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It’s so easy to get wrapped up in exam season and forget about your own personal mental health. Self-care is essential to surviving exam season. Try your best to remember to go to the gym, watch your favourite show, spend time with friends, or do whatever it is that makes you feel like your best self!

If you’re worried about forgetting to take care of yourself, put it in your study schedule as a reminder. You could even set a routine where you have tea and relax every night. Stress can take over so quickly, but self-care is your key to survival. Everyone takes part in self-care differently, so do what you need to do to stay sane!

5. Get Some Much-Needed Sleep

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Pulling all-nighters can be tempting, and sometimes necessary, but they are definitely not healthy. You can’t survive the lengthy exam season without the sleep that you need. Your sleep schedule may change, but make sure you’re getting the rest you need so that you can stay awake during exams. Caffeine is helpful, but you can’t run on it for too long without crashing.

Sleeping will make you feel less stressed, and you’ll even do better on your exams. It seems so simple but it really is key.

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With these tips at your disposal, I have no doubt that you will make it out of exam season alive. Believe in yourself, keep these helpful points in mind, and exam season won’t be as daunting as it sounds. You can do it!

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Nina Bernstein

Queen's U '21