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5 Reasons Why You Should Join Spoon University at USF

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at USFCA chapter.

It’s that time of year again where everyone is trying to get involved on campus as they scurry around trying to find the right organization for them. So, here’s a question for you. Are you scrolling through your social media feed between classes, doing a paper or eating at the Market Café, trying to find the best #foodporn and the trendiest restaurants around campus? Yes. Then Spoon University is the organization you’ve been looking for!

Spoon University is a national organization which is the new platform for all things food – learn about all the places to eat in the city or the best college hacks to make your roommates turn heads at your self-cooked meal as they eat their instant ramen cups. It’s written for college students, by college students. And the best part? It’s coming to USF!

Our chapter is well on its way and we’re looking for food enthusiasts to join the team! Here’s 5 reasons why you should join us.

1. You love, no, you’re OBSESSED with food.

Food? Food. Food is always involved. We’re the group where you can finally talk about the avocado toast or the outrageous milkshake that’s trending all over social media. And we aren’t just talking about it. We’re stuffing our faces with it.

2. #cameraeatsfirst

Food Photos Food Photography iphone photo
Luna Zhang

Gone are the days where you feel awkward being the only one who stands up in the middle of the restaurant trying to take the best instagramable photo. Now, you can do it peacefully, with a pact who’s just as eager to get the best shot. So join the clan! The one’s who aren’t doing it are the weird ones. 

3. It’s a great way to get involved on campus.

Spoon University
Photo courtesy of Vincet Balgemino

Joining clubs and organizations on campus is one of the best ways to discover what you love and meet new people. The one struggle for many students is the time commitment, but that isn’t a problem with Spoon. This organization is everything you can look for to get involved: you’ll meet people and make friends, get amazing opportunities, and most importantly have the time of your life. So, if food is your thing, send in that application. 

4. Just another something to add to your resume.

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Spoon is a big company and it’s becoming more and more well known as the name grows. The media experience you get from Spoon – as a writer, photographer, videographer, editor, social media or marketing specialist – looks amazing to employers. So, the next time you’re applying for jobs or internships, you know you’ll impress the company. 

5. It’s so much fun.

Beverage, meal, gathering and pizza HD photo by rawpixel (@rawpixel) on Unsplash
Unsplash on unsplash

You’ll have so much fun creating content and being a part of such a fantastic group. Everything you create will be a form of self-expression and of course is all revolves around food. You’ll make amazing friends as you bond over your love for food, get so many opportunities and create life-long memories. Plus, if you’re sick of eating at the dining hall, this will let you in on all the best spots off-campus.