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5 Meals That Debunk the “British Food is Bad” Myth

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UCD chapter.

I took my first trip to the United Kingdom (England, to be exact) in December of 2017. I was beyond excited. However, if I had a dime for every time someone told me to be wary of British food, I probably could have stayed an extra week. Okay, that’s an exaggeration, but I did get this warning quite often. As an enthusiast of all things food-related, I was slightly troubled by the prospect that I might be eating subpar meals for 10 days. Fortunately, I had the exact opposite experience. Here are five meals that prove the “British food is bad” myth very wrong.

Fish and Chips

British Fish & Chips photo by Nick Fewings (@jannerboy62) on Unsplash
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You guys all knew this one was coming. This dish is so well-known it’s even listed on the majority of menus in the United States. The traditional way to serve this combination of crunchy battered cod and thick-cut chips is with a side of mushy peas. I was even advised to dip my chips into the mushy peas, and it did not disappoint. And yes, chips and fries are different things in England. Fries are a lot skinnier than chips (but chips are cooked like fries here). 

#SpoonTip: Don’t forget a cold pint! My favorite beer I tried in England is Beck’s. 

Shepherd’s Pie

british food
Callie Austin

Shepherd’s Pie is the ultimate comfort food. What could be better than meat and veggies crusted with mashed potatoes? This was the perfect food to have after dodging a rainstorm: warm, fluffy and delicious. I commend the English for stuffing an entire meal into a pie. 

Sunday Roast

Sunday roast is a traditional British meal obviously eaten on Sundays. It consists of roasted meat and potatoes accompanied by gravy and Yorkshire pudding.

I am lucky enough to have friends in England who cooked me delicious meals. This was by far one of the best meals I’ve ever had. The roast beef was tender, the potatoes were crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, the vegetables were flavorful and the Yorkshire puddings were to die for.

For anyone who doesn’t know, Yorkshire pudding is made by cooking a batter consisting of eggs, flour and milk in oil. They are amazing on their own but even better when used to soak up the gravy.

Afternoon Tea

Cake, cake stand, milk and jug HD photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem (@ilumire) on Unsplash
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Afternoon tea is the name given to a light meal served between lunch and dinner hours. It became very common among the English upper class during the 1800s but is now a fun treat to enjoy at tearooms. The classic afternoon tea usually consists of finger sandwiches, pastries, cakes and scones with clotted cream and jam. Of course, you have to sip a cup of English breakfast or Earl Grey tea with it. It is an enjoyable and tasty experience that I’m glad still exists today.


Skånska Matupplevelser on Flickr

I know some may believe that cheese isn’t a meal, but I strongly disagree, so I’m including it in the list. I definitely indulged in my fair share of cheese during my time in England. I learned that Britain alone produces 700 varieties of cheeses. It’s even offered as a dessert plate at many restaurants. Forget the cake and pass me the cheese.

I hope I’ve convinced you to think twice about the “British food is bad” myth. I am happy to say that I had the exact opposite experience I was warned about. If you ever get the opportunity to visit Britain, enjoy every minute of the culinary adventure (I still recommend Yelp-ing restaurants first). I promise you will not be disappointed.

Hey, I'm Callie! I'm a Clinical Nutrition major at UC Davis. I'm from nearby Vacaville, the real Cowtown. My passions are food, travel, and anything Disney. I also love Jesus and the Pittsburgh Steelers.