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10 Things I Wish I Would Have Known Before Going Vegan

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Tex chapter.

It’s close to a year since I decided to adopt a plant-based diet, and there have been more than a few teachable moments. I don’t regret my choice one bit, but there’s definitely some stuff I’ve had to learn along the way. Here’s a list of the 10 things I wish I would’ve known before becoming vegan. 

1. I Would Need to Buy So Much Food

All of The Best Items at Whole Foods Market Whole Foods Market vegetable aisle
Shelby Cohron

I guess you could say the grocery store is my second home. Lucky for me I live right next to one. No, but seriously, ever since I’ve adopted a high-fruit non-processed diet, I always find myself running out of bananas, celery for my celery juice, and other plant-based goodies.

I’m pretty much obsessed with buying stuff like Hawiian Spirulina, medjool dates, hemp seeds, and tons and tons of fruit to feast on every day. When becoming vegan, you don’t have to get fancy with all the superfoods, but it grows on you, and it’s something that I’m starting to do a lot more. 

Becoming vegan can be as economical or as expensive as you make it, and while fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds are generally less expensive than meat, you need a whole lot more of them. You can sustain yourself on a small budget and be vegan, but if you want to take your health a step further and include an abundance of mostly organic fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods, it can definitely add up. Remember, this lifestyle is a long-term investment. It’s all about meal planning and getting what you can. 

2. Not to Take People’s Criticism Personally

There’s always gonna be naysayers for pretty much anything you do. Veganism is no exception. Many people straight-out criticize your eating habits upon becoming vegan because it’s so different from what they’ve known their entire life, and they don’t understand your motives. 

With time, I’ve learned to sympathize with them because I was in their place at one point in my life. I really didn’t get why people felt the need to go against the grain and abandon cultural eating practices. Honestly, I thought these people were “hippies” that were just riding the trend train. Who would’ve known I would end up just like them? Definitely not me. 

What people say to you about your diet rarely has anything to do with you and is more a projection of their own personal discomfort with the unknown, or their unwillingness to see beyond what is deemed as “socially acceptable” and “normal”. 

It’s easy to judge and criticize other people’s ways of eating, but we always have to remember that everybody is at a different place in their journey. There could be reasons we’re unaware of behind their actions. You do you, and with time, others will follow. Or they may not, and that’s OK too. 

People still give me a hard time for my eating habits and for becoming vegan, and they will continue to do so. The only thing that’s changed is how I react to it. 

3. The Best Way to Argue is Not to Argue

A continuation of my previous point, many people will try to put your eating habits up for debate. Vegans have a bit of a rep for being defensive and pushing their beliefs on people, when usually—but not always–it’s the other way around. It’s hard not to argue in favor of what you believe, and even now I sometimes find myself getting a little defensive and irritated when people try to attack me or try to defend their side with outdated science, but it’s something that gets better with time. 

I became vegan from a science-based nutrition standpoint, so at first I would always try to contradict anybody who would question my protein intake or supposed b-12 deficiency or anemia, etc. with the latest study, statistics, books and documentaries. 

All the discussions where I tried to passionately defend my side never ended well, even if I technically “won”. Nobody ever wins in an argument because there will always be tension and resentment left behind. With experience, I came to find that it’s best to talk about your way of living enthusiastically, never condescendingly towards people following other diets, and especially not defensively.

I’ve learned to laugh at all the “grass-eater” jokes and even make fun of myself at times. It puts people at ease knowing that you’re not trying to convert them or proclaim yourself a know-it-all. The thing is, nobody really knows everything. We have to do what feels right for us. Sometimes it’s best to agree to disagree.

4. Protein Combining Is a Myth

I used to be obsessed in making sure that ALL my meals included a significant source of plant protein, complex carbohydrates, raw or cooked veggies, and a source of fat. I spent a great deal of time coming up with and putting together what I thought were “complete” meals.

I was so scared by society into thinking that upon becoming vegan, I needed to get enough protein and had to “replace” my meat intake with beans, tofu, or legumes like lentils and chickpeas. I thought that I needed to combine plant-based protein sources in order to get a “complete protein”. (Fun fact: I used to be a protein-aholic before becoming vegan.) But all this obsessive talk about macros and counting grams of protein, carbs and fat also took its toll on my meal planning. 

This myth dates back to a 1971 book titled “Diet For a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappé“, which tried to put an end to world hunger by promoting a vegetarian diet. This belief that you can’t get all the essential amino acids in adequate amounts in plant-based diets without having all the “food groups” present at one time has been thoroughly debunked, and Lappé even retracted the statement in later editions of her book

At a vegan nutrition seminar, a raw vegan speaker put in 2,500 calories of cucumber into a food calorie calculator, and ended up with around 80g of protein (more than the average person even needs). Surprise, surprise. This goes to show that you don’t need specific foods to obtain all the protein and amino acids necessary.

Of course, it’s unrealistic to reach your calorie goals with just cucumber, as you would need to eat it by the barrel; but it was done to show how even foods low in energy density, if eaten in large enough quantities, can provide more than enough protein.

The truth is, everything has protein, although some things more than others. Eat enough calories and you will get enough protein and all the nutrients you need to thrive. No need to burn out your brain trying to figure out infinite food combinations (although it’s cool if you want to) to get all your “macros”. 

5. Just Because It’s Vegan Doesn’t Mean It’s Healthy

becoming vegan chocolate sweet
Katherine Baker

It’s easy to assume that anything labeled “vegan” is automatically healthy. Potato chips (some of them, because there are brands that add milk powder), French fries, Oreos, and sodas are all vegan, just to mention a few of the long list of secretly vegan foods. But that doesn’t make them health-promoting foods. It just means they don’t have any animal products. They still have refined sugar, fillers, high fat contents, and are heavily processed. 

Practically anything I enjoyed as a non-vegan can now be found in its vegan version, which is definitely tempting. The thing is that while these meat replacements, vegan donuts, and vegan ice creams are certainly a more ethical choice, it’s believed they’re healthier than their non-vegan counterparts, which isn’t always the case. These food items are still processed and usually have long ingredient lists, along with lots of artificial additives, which is not ideal. 

Vegan junk food is just as fattening as conventional junk food, but it doesn’t contain cholesterol or animal trans fats, making it a slightly (but not by much) better option. What vegan processed food items are is excellent transition foods, and it’s definitely OK to have them on occasion, but in high amounts they are no longer part of a well balanced, healthful plant-based diet.

That’s not to say that those that do include vegan packaged food in their daily lives are on the wrong path; it’s just that from the very beginning I decided I was going to make my diet as natural, unprocessed, and healthy as possible. The occasional frozen vegan pizza is always welcome, though. 

6. That I Would Live in My Kitchen

Dorm Kitchen Tips sushi fish
Sarah Silbiger

I knew that with eating differently than the rest of my family, I would be spending a little extra time doing some cooking and meal prep. Boy was I wrong. I did not expect to find myself in my kitchen what feels like 24/7. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but it can be exhausting and time-consuming. 

You also make a big mess on this lifestyle. Just being real. Countless fruit and veggie scraps and multiple ingredients constantly fill up my counter space and drain my mom’s patience (sorry, mom).

Of course, nothing is ever as simple as opening a box of mac ‘n cheese and following the instructions, which basically leaves the box as your only waste. But, I remind myself that this is an investment towards my health and focus on the long-term.

I’ve learned that this lifestyle takes dedication and commitment. It can definitely get tiring at times, all the food prepping, food shopping, and the cleanup. Creating delicious, varied, and well-crafted meals has its price. But it’s worth it. I mean, look at the spring rolls I made a while back below. *heart eyes*

7. That I Would Become Obsessed With Food

Foodie mode is on 24/7, and it seems that since becoming vegan, scrolling through Instagram for food inspo and checking out other vegan health accounts has become part of my daily life. It’s awesome getting the chance to connect with people on the same journey as you, but it can get a little out of hand if you let it. 

Also, I find myself thinking about what I’m gonna eat all the time. Sometimes it seems like my whole life revolves around food, and I have to make sure to keep myself in the present moment and take a break from the mental food prep that goes on in my mind. It can be very draining, which is why it’s useful to simplify meals and write ideas down so they’re not spiraling around my head all day.

8. You Should Always Prepare Beforehand

make salads vegetable pepper
Christin Urso

Since becoming vegan, I’ve discovered that sadly, not all places have vegan-friendly options. Non-vegan restaurants will usually have a good salad or decent plant-based meals, but they can sometimes be drenched in oil and have other additives. It’s best to research menus ahead of time in order to know if you need to eat before going out. 

This also applies to gatherings and reunions. Snack options usually boil down to cheese and crackers, deli meats, sweets, and chips and dairy-filled dips. I’ve found that carrying my own power snacks keeps me from going hungry or giving into temptation. A bag of sweet dates, grapes, berries, or any fruit of choice is an excellent option for curbing unhealthy cravings. 

There’s always the occasional veggie platter with hummus or oil-free nuts and seeds, but just in case there isn’t, it’s best to be prepared. However, indulging every now and then isn’t a bad thing and it’s not something to beat yourself up for. You can always do better tomorrow and get back on track. 

9. What Works For Others Won’t Necessarily Work For Me

It’s so easy to see what Instagram vegan bloggers are doing and try to do the exact same thing as them. You may see somebody eating two big stacks of vegan protein pancakes, but what happens is maybe that person is training for a big race and needs to fuel up. Unless you are a high-performance athlete, that kind of eating is not really necessary. 

I tried to follow the latest trends on Insta and found myself at times gaining a little weight, and even suffering from low-grade adrenal fatigue for attempting intermittent fasting and taking the advice of people who said to only eat three meals a day (disastrous for the adrenals, I recovered through following these tips). 

There are so many trends and fads out there that it’s best to learn to listen to your body, study up, and get educated on vegan nutrition through books, documentaries, articles, and even certifications and schooling. You could also seek professional help and have a nutritionist or dietician devise a personalized eating plan for you to make sure you’re covering all your nutritional needs and supplementation.   

10. That It Would Change My Life (For the Better!)

It’s been such an amazing journey of self-discovery and way more life-altering than I expected. I feel like a whole different person, and the way I view the world–no matter how cliché I sound–has definitely changed. This compassionate way of eating, and fuelling myself every day with nature’s medicine has got me connected to my body like nothing else. It’s a true spiritual experience.

I’ve learned to appreciate the little things in life, and I’ve realized that there’s more to life than instant gratification. While eating that cheesecake “won’t kill me” (as people like to tell me) it’s more than just that. I’ve learned about willpower and to respect and honor my body, and all that nature has created. I’ve learned not to place myself above other people for what I know and practice in my life, and to respect all people and ways of eating. 

Liam Hemsworth, one of the people in the growing list of celebrity vegans, sums up what it’s like to go vegan quite nicely: “I feel nothing but positive, mentally and physically. I love it. I feel like it also has kind of a domino effect on the rest of my life.” I couldn’t agree more. 

Guide to Dining out During the Pandemic coffee Friends
Julia Gilman

So far, during my year of going vegan, I’ve found the whole not eating animals or animal products part fairly easy, but I did not expect the social aspect of it all to be so complicated. 

People might call you “boring,” “restrictive,” “extreme,” or straight-up crazy. What matters is that no matter what diet you follow, you feel good about it. Becoming vegan is not about apologizing to anyone. Choosing to nourish yourself with cruelty-free, health-promoting foods should make you extremely happy and fulfilled, and that’s what counts. I never thought I could enjoy a life free from my life-long allergies and multiple health conditions, but here I am! Living life to the fullest. 

When you learn not to fight back and to focus on you and what feels right for your body, you find an immense sense of peace towards yourself and others.

Embracing veganism is more than what you can’t eat; it’s about all the variety of things you never tried before that are both delicious and good for you. Sure, you’ll have to invest a little bit more time and maybe even some cash, but if you’re committed, you’ll make it through just fine. You’re doing amazing things for your health, helping the planet, and not contributing to animal suffering. It’s a win-win if you ask me. 

I am 21 years old, majoring in Advertising and Market Communications. I like researching vegan/plant-based nutrition (nerdy – I know), exercising, music, art, makeup, and books. I occasionally dabble in writing. Also I love creating content for my Instagram (@plantbased.mx) and thinking about food 24/7 (planning meals is pretty exciting stuff).