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Juices: Are They Really as Healthy as Whole Fruit?

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at BC chapter.

We all know it’s a struggle to achieve the daily recommendation of two fruit servings, which is why many of us try to consume our fruits in the form of juices. Although juices are tasty and offer a great alternative to processed drinks— drinking your fruit servings do not have the same benefits as eating the whole fruit. Here’s why juices are not as good for you as fruit. 

1. Juices Lack Fiber

detox juice sweet
Jocelyn Hsu

Fruits have a great quality—natural fiber. We need fiber to aid  digestion, and it has been linked to helping lower the risk for heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Sadly, when you extract fruit juice, you are also extracting the healthy fiber, as well as other vitamins and minerals. 

2. Juices Have a Higher Sugar Content

juices beer
Alexa Buchbinder

Fruit has natural sugar, but it’s still sugar. To make a glass of orange juice, you need more than one orange. As a result, you may end up consuming a larger fruit serving than expected, which means a larger amount of sugar too. And, it’s not hard to grab a second (or third) glass of juice. Plus, its liquid form will make it easier for the fructose (natural sugar found in fruit) to enter your bloodstream, similar to a soda drink. 

3. Juices Have a Higher Calorie Intake

The healthiness of food can also be judged regarding daily calorie intake. While fruit juice is a good alternative to processed drinks, it has a catch—not only is it easy to drink more than the “recommended” serving, but it is often forgotten that even juices can be high in calories. For example, a 8 oz cup of orange juice has 104 calores, but compare this to an 100g medium orange that has about 48 calories. While you can get your serving of fruit from a juice, just remember that the juice can actually cost your more calories than a regular orange would. If you’re keeping your weight in check, reconsider whether drinking your calories is the best alternative. 

4. Juices Don’t Keep You As Full

juices sweet fruit salad
Kristine Mahan

Compared to whole fruit, juices will not satisfy you as much, and even keeps you full for less time. If you’ll just be hungry in an hour and need to eat again, this can make keeping your total daily calories in check a challenge. Also, it may be harder for a juice to satisfy your sweet tooth, specially in comparison to whole fruit.

5. Some Fruit Juices are Processed

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Shelby Cohron

Lastly, have you considered the amount of extra sugar in processed juices? The “no added sugar” label can be deceiving. Processed fruit juices might be as unhealthy as drinking a soda or another sugary drink

Conclusion: for your overall health, you should prioritize whole fruits instead of juices. 

Even the Harvard Gazette says it: “skip the juice, go for the whole fruit.” Not only does whole fruit have more benefits compared to juice, but it also keeps you fuller longer and helps keep your daily calories in check

So, try making yourself a fruit salad or grab an apple on the go, your body will thank you later.

quarantine mango Fruit
Jocelyn Hsu

Junior at Boston College studying Finance & Business Analytics. Originally from Lima, Peru (visit for great food!)