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What Kind of Costco Snack You Should Get, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Saint Marys chapter.

Choosing a snack is a difficult task with so many great choices out there, especially at the wonderful land of bulk foods and candy that is Costco. But just as each snack is unique, so is your zodiac sign. Quit wondering the aisles trying to make a decision—we’ve got your munchies all mapped out. Here’s what snack you should try from Costco, according to your zodiac sign. 

Aquarius (January 20-February 18): Tanka Spicy Buffalo Bars

Aquarians are innovative and original, just like this spicy buffalo bar. Combining protein-packed buffalo meat and cranberries, Tanka provides an original, new twist on protein bars. 

Pisces (February 19-March 20): Roasted Seaweed Sticks

Pisces are imaginative and artistic, which makes seaweed sticks the perfect snack. They are not the first thing to come to mind when something to snack on, so it takes more of an imagination to consider this one, especially since it’s combined with almonds. 

Aries (March 21-April 19): Ritz Crackers

Aries are a confident bunch and I’d say that Ritz Crackers are pretty confident. C’mon, they’re just begging to be paired with any dip or cheese, and we’re confident that they will taste good with anything. 

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Nutella & Go

Reliable and practical, Taurus will always be there when you need them, just like this portable snack. No need to worry about forgetting the pretzels to go with your Nutella, because they’re already together, waiting for you to take them on your daily adventures. This is a snack that you can never have too many of.

Gemini (May 21-June 20): Organic Fruity Snacks

Gemini are known for being indecisive and having two totally different sides. This 72-pack of assorted fruit snacks is perfect, because regardless of what side a Gemini is feeling that day, they will have a satisfying option. 

Cancer (June 21-July 22): HeartBar Cranberry Flax Oatmeal Bar

Cancers are known to be sympathetic and persuasive. Sometimes food that’s good for the heart is not always tasty, but these HeartBars are filled with delicious cranberries for a sweet taste that makes it easier to help your heart and snack at the same time. 

Leo (July 23-August 22): Popcornopolis Buttered-Up 

You can always count on Leos for a laugh and a smile, and popcorn is perfect for that. It is impossible to walk by freshly-made popcorn without smiling, and there is no better snack to curl up with while watching your favorite movie. 

Virgo (August 23-September 22): Superberry Blast Supersnacks

Virgos are hardworking and practical, just like berries. This mix of dried berries and seeds is totally organic and once you add them to your yogurt, cereal, salad, or anything else your heart desires, you’ll feel full and ready for anything that comes your way.

Libra (September 23-October 22): Ghirardelli Chocolate 

Libras crave harmonious balance and graceful cooperation. Ghirardelli Chocolate squares with sea salt caramel are the perfect snack for them. The chocolate and caramel are smooth and elegantly balanced, a comforting combination for a Libra. 

Scorpio (October 23-November 21): Pepperidge Farm Goldfish

Scorpios are known for being true friends, and there is no friendlier Costco snack than Goldfish. It literally smiles back at you. Goldfish are also great for sharing—an easy way to build great, true friendships.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21): Nature Valley Granola Bars

Sagittarius love to explore the outdoors and do not like being contained, so what better snack to accompany you on your adventures than good ol’ Nature Valley? Yes, they are very crumbly, but who knows where a trail of crumbs will lead you, amirite?

Capricorn (December 22-January 19): Brachs Star Brites Peppermint Candy

Self-control and discipline are characteristics of a Capricorn, and these peppermint candies encourage just that. Individually-wrapped and rumored to improve focusing and memory, peppermints are the snack of the Capricorn.

The zodiac signs may guide your love life, but now they can guide your snack life, too. The next time you step foot in your local Costco (promising you won’t spend your whole account on food, of course), look to the stars and your perfect snack will be revealed. 

Emily Doyle

Saint Marys '18

I am a junior marketing major at Saint Mary's College with a passion for sports and food. I want to work in sports and travel and try as much food as I can from as many places as I can.