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6 Fancy Toast Recipes You Can Make in Your Dining Hall

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Seattle U chapter.

Until coming to college, I ate all sorts of variations of toast for breakfast. Bread just seemed like a great vehicle for all sorts of stuff. I have to admit, I’ve stayed away from the menial toast station in my dining hall because butter, cream cheese, and jelly just won’t cut it for me. Then I realized, why am I limiting my toast creativity to just the stuff that’s placed near the bread when I have a whole dining hall at my fingertips? 

Toast is essentially just an open-faced sandwich, so you should let your creativity go wild. Bread isn’t just meant for butter and jelly, people! Here are six easy toast recipes you can (probably) make in your dining hall. Missing an ingredient or two? You can always sub in something else. Think of the delicious combinations you love in your regular meals, then put in on some bread. Bread makes everything better anyway.

Peanut Butter Banana Granola

toast recipes
Jamie Hegg

To make this toast, generously lather your bread with peanut butter, then add slices of bananas, a drizzle of honey (often found at the coffee station), and a sprinkle of granola. I used to top my waffles with this at home, and it was probably one of my favorite breakfasts ever. I know granola sounds a little bit weird, but the added texture puts this classic combo over the top. My mouth is watering writing this.

Avocado Hummus

toast recipes
Photo Courtesy of Brittany at eatingbirdfood.com

To make this avocado hummus toast, spread on a layer of hummus, slice up some avocado, and sprinkle with anything you can find to add texture like chopped nuts or sunflower seeds. If you don’t have avocado available, hummus alone is still delicious and you could add some veggies to upgrade it.

Don’t have hummus? Also not a problem. Just layer some beans on your toast and mash them up with a fork. Drizzle with a little bit of olive oil, salt, pepper, and any other herbs or toppings your dining hall has. This toast is for all you savory cravers. It’s hearty, healthy, and will fill you up

Cream Cheese and Apple

toast recipes
Jamie Hegg

To make this toast, spread a layer of cream cheese on your bread, then lay on some apple slices, drizzle with honey, and sprinkle with a touch of cinnamon. I first tried this out when I was on a road trip with my brother. We brought a lot of bread, and I was trying to figure out some creative ways to eat it and use up any food that was going bad soon. As weird as this combo sounds, the very un-sweet cream cheese pairs perfectly with the honey and apple.

Yogurt and Berries

toast recipes
Photo Courtesy of nourishedbynutrition.com 

To make this yogurt and berry toast, spread a layer of Greek yogurt on your bread, then top with a variety of berries and a drizzle of honey for good measure. I first saw this combo on a healthy Instagrammer’s post and thought that yogurt on toast seemed a little off putting.

I had to try it out to be sure, and I quickly tasted the appeal. Thick yogurt like Greek yogurt spreads on similarly to cream cheese (but is way healthier) and the berries just make everything better. Think of it as a healthier version of French toast with whipped cream and berries.

Grown Up PB&J

toast recipes
Photo Courtesy of Lisa at healthynibblesandbits.com

To make this PB&J toast, spread on a generous layer of peanut butter, then smash fresh berries on top. While this is a little more basic, it’s a healthier option than jelly, and tastes just as good. Don’t limit you PB&J combos to the sandwich itself

Cream Cheese Tomato Basil

toast recipes
Photo Courtesy of abeautifulmess.com

To make this cream cheese tomato basil toast, spread cream cheese onto your bread, layer with sliced tomatoes, a few pinches of basil, and a drizzle of olive oil and salt and pepper if you have it. Don’t have basil? Use spinach or another green. 

Don’t be afraid of the cream cheese with these veggie pairings. Tomato and basil go great with most cheeses, and this is no exception! 

Whether in your dining hall, or at home, try these six toast recipes the next time you’re craving bread.

Jamie Hegg

Seattle U '21

I am a freshman at Seattle University, majoring in Sports and Exercise Science. In addition, I'm also a part of the Seattle University Track and Field Team. When I'm not running, you can either find me on a hike, or in the kitchen trying to satisfy my sweet tooth (and making a mess)!