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I Channeled My Inner Eleven and Ate Only Eggo Waffles for 3 Days Straight

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UGA chapter.

If you’ve ever seen an episode of “Stranger Things,” you probably know about Eleven’s obsession with Eggo waffles. Her love for them knows no bounds. A prime example of her dedication to these waffles was shown in Season One when she walked into a grocery store, whilst in emotional turmoil, to get a bunch of Eggos to feel better. She didn’t even acknowledge the stares she got for not paying or shattering the front doors of the store. 

Since Eleven is a boss, I wanted to see if my Eleven senses would get tingling if I ate like her for a few days. As long as my hair stays on top of my head, and scientists don’t make me crush cans of Coke using my mind, I would love to be like my Queen, Eleven.

Let’s dive deep into The Upside Down to find out how I ate only Eggo waffles for three days, and felt like Eleven, minus the cool super powers. 

Day 1:


eggo waffles
Kara McKenna

I am so ready to start devouring some Eggos. These three days will go by so fast, I won’t even notice my cravings for real food. I’m having two plain waffles to start my day, because that’s how Eleven likes them. I already feel cooler just by looking at my waffles.


eggo waffles
Kara McKenna

Wow, am I already on meal two of the day? I’m owning this challenge, so far. I want to get some protein in, so I’m eating a peanut butter Eggo sandwich. No jelly for me. Something tells me that Eleven wouldn’t be a huge fan of jelly. This isn’t the best sandwich I’ve ever eaten, but it’s edible, so I can’t complain.


eggo waffles
Kara McKenna

I’m not so sure about these Eggos anymore. After lunch, my digestive system wasn’t feeling the whole waffle-for-every-meal thing. Considering I haven’t eaten an Eggo waffle in years, it probably wasn’t the best idea to eat them strictly for the next three days. However, I know Eleven wouldn’t give up, so neither will I. For dinner, I’m having some Eggos with black cherry yogurt to get in some dairy.

At the end of day one, I’m feeling pretty good. If I keep a positive mindset, I know I will get through the next two days. How bad could six more meals of waffles be?

Day 2:


eggo waffles
Kara McKenna

Another day, another meal of forcing Eggos down my throat. For breakfast, I’m having two plain Eggos again because I can’t muster up the energy this early in the morning to do anything else. I pre-toasted these waffles at home, so while they look browned and crispy, they’re actually soggy microwave waffles.

Do I have any of Eleven’s super powers yet? No. Am I still holding out hope that I get them? Absolutely. 


eggo waffles
Kara McKenna

I’m finally making my way into the dining hall with my Eggos, hallelujah. I toasted my Eggos in the toaster here, and the normal people toasting their bread kind of just stared at me. There aren’t waffles in the dining hall I’m in, so the only explanation for me having them is that I brought them in myself.

To make this an actual lunch, I put some chicken between my waffles for a chicken sandwich. It wasn’t good, but it filled me up. All I know is that I’m so glad to be halfway done with this experiment. 


eggo waffles
Kara McKenna

SOS, I don’t have any idea how to make these waffles more creative when I eat them. For dinner, I’m going for a peanut butter banana sandwich because what the heck, I deserve something sweet for dealing with this bullcrap. This was actually my favorite meal because I put on so much peanut butter that I could barely taste the Eggos.

Eleven, if you’re reading this, you need to try upgrading your Eggos to peanut butter banana sandwiches, because this is the only meal that’s tasted good.

Day two has come to an end, and I’m really questioning why I decided to do this. All my meals are super boring, and the waffles are starting to taste like styrofoam. While I’m not enjoying the waffles anymore, I’m starting to feel hard-core since I associate Eggos with Eleven.

Day 3:


eggo waffles
Kara McKenna

God, are you there? It’s me, Kara. I don’t know if I can do this for the rest of the day. The pasta in the dining hall seems to be teasing me while I eat stupid waffles. Today was the third straight day of plain waffles for breakfast. Fun.

I really love Eleven, but I don’t get how she has any energy if this is what she eats all the time.


eggo waffles
Kara McKenna

I’m so desperate, it’s not even funny. I don’t even have the energy to laugh at how pathetic this meal is because everything seems so bleak since I’ve been eating the same thing for days. I don’t even know what this salad is, tbh. It has lettuce, chicken and waffles, you know, the normal stuff you eat in an everyday salad.


eggo waffles
Kara McKenna

Make. It. Stop. I don’t even want to eat dinner. I know this is the last meal, and I should end strong, but whyyy? I’m never eating another freaking Eggo waffle again in my entire life. I’m seriously getting a restraining order from them because I don’t want any within a 50 mile radius of me. You know how they say “L’Eggo my Eggo?” Well you can have my Eggos, all of them!! Sorry El, but you can do better than eating Eggos all the time.

Eating only Eggo waffles for three days definitely made me feel mentally like Eleven, but this challenge also made me feel physically like a flimsy noodle. I wouldn’t recommend anyone trying this because eating waffles every day isn’t the most nutritious diet, and who in their right mind would want to do this?

My girl El needs to find a new food to fuel her up for her future battles. 

Kara McKenna idolizes Guy Fieri and wants to take a trip to Flavortown with him one day. Follow more of her adventures on her blog: www.karammckenna.wixsite.com/work.