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The College Student’s Guide to Friendsgiving on a Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Cal Poly chapter.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and we are all looking forward to swapping out the same old dining hall food for a traditional, home-cooked meal. But before we all return to our families to catch-up over drumsticks and pigskins, there’s a celebration of the people that have become our family away from home that must commence: Friendsgiving! We compiled a list of recipes to help you celebrate with friends over a nice meal without worrying about the cost. This year, have a memorable, delicious Friendsgiving on a budget. 

With tuition, housing and books emptying our wallets, it may seem daunting to try to assemble the ingredients for a Thanksgiving-like meal. But not to worry—we found a way for you to have a Friendsgiving dinner that will leave you and your friends satisfied for just $40. 


friendsgiving on a budget
Ella Tadmor

While the main dish has its finishing touches applied to it, your guests are going to need something to munch on in the meantime. That’s where your appetizer comes in.

Just by assembling sliced turkey, feta cheese, tomatoes, basil and lightly salted crackers, this simple dish is bound to have all your friends wanting more. Combined, it will cost around $7, with the feta cheese taking the brunt of the cost.  

Side Dishes

easy mashed potato recipes rice cereal
Lora Maghen

Thanksgiving without mashed potatoes is like anchovies on a pizza: It’s just plain wrong and should be avoided at all costs.

The same goes for Friendsgiving without mashed potatoes.

The beauty of mashed potatoes is that you can make them in so many unique ways. But if you want a very simple, no frills way that is bound to knock your socks off, this recipe will do just fine for your feast.    

Salad is another awesome dish that fits in well with any meal—Friendsgiving included.  Add your greens, a couple of cherry tomatoes, croutons and Caesar salad dressing for good measure, and that salad of yours? It’s through the roof.

friendsgiving on a budget
Ella Tadmor

Combined, the mashed potatoes and the salad will cost you and your friends around $16 to $20 dollars. 

Main Dish

friendsgiving on a budget
Ella Tadmor

Let’s be honest, turkey is probably the most iconic thing about Thanksgiving. But college is your time to experiment and try out new things! That includes your Friendsgiving dinner, so say goodbye to turkey, and say hello to chicken.

Now, don’t get us wrong, turkey is an amazing dish that defines Thanksgiving. However, this oven-baked chicken gives a traditional turkey a run for its money.

Using just olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder, in addition to the chicken, your mouth will surely thank you for the service you’ve done to its tastebuds. Garnishing this dish with parsley, and you’ll have a prizefighting dish in front of your very eyes. 

Not only will this dish set you back only a mere $12 to $14, but it won’t take long or be difficult to cook, unlike the pricey, finicky turkey. This is a huge plus for the college student who is not only budgeting their money, but time as well. 

Put it Together Together…

friendsgiving on a budget
Ella Tadmor

Your Friendsgiving should be a time to celebrate and give thanks to all of the friends that have played such an important role in your life.

Sure, they might make fun of you for that one time you fell into the fountain while you tried to take a photo for Instagram, but at the end of the day, your friends are there for you and have your back no matter what.

Friendsgiving should not be a time to stress out over how much the whole meal costs, so enjoy the memories you’ve made, the one’s you’ll make, and most importantly, enjoy the food.