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Dining Hall Brunch Hacks

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Pepperdine chapter.

There are few better things in life than mornings spent talking with friends over a delicious brunch. I have a bit of an obsession with brunch and would eat brunch foods for every meal for the rest of my life if I could.

Unfortunately, brunch can get really expensive and, as a college student, I can’t really afford to support my brunching addiction. This is why I have figured out ways to combine the best of the breakfast and lunch menus from my dining hall to create brunches that are meal plan friendly. Here are my top four favorite dining hall brunch hacks.

1. Fried Egg Cheeseburger

Cheeseburgers are a college diet staple, but, after a while, the dining hall’s burgers can get a little repetitive. If you want to change things up, try adding a fried egg to your cheeseburger. The egg makes your cheeseburger taste so much more indulgent and the yolk makes your brunch look so much more instagram-able, which is an important quality of any good brunch. Just make sure to have a napkin ready because these burgers are quite messy. 

2. PB & J Waffle

Everyone knows that waffles are amazing just the way they are, but if you want to give your waffle a brunch twist, try topping it with peanut butter and jelly. It’s the perfect combination for when you’re feeling a little bit nostalgic. Plus, the peanut butter adds some protein to your meal that will help power you through your homework. 

3. Croissant Ham Sandwich 

There’s nothing like a lovely, flaky croissant to turn your boring ham sandwich into a delicious Parisian meal. If your dining hall offers a deli counter with custom sandwiches, ask if they could swap out the bread for a croissant. If not, you can always just grab a to-go sandwich and swap out the bread yourself. 

4. Breakfast Quesadilla 

If you like the flavors of a breakfast burrito but want something with a little bit more crunch, try making a breakfast quesadilla. All you have to do is order scrambled eggs and bacon from your dining hall’s breakfast section and a quesadilla from the lunch section. Once you get your quesadilla, open it up, place the scrambled eggs and bacon in there, maybe top it with some hot sauce, and voila–you’ve got a crunchy and delicious breakfast quesadilla.

The next time you find yourself staring at your dining hall’s meager spread of brunch items, don’t just accept the boring food that’s in front of you. Try out one of these brunch hacks or think up one of your own and I promise that you’ll be pleasantly surprised about how much flavor you can add to your food with just a few small changes. Your stomach and your bank account will thank you for your creativity!

Shea McCollum

Pepperdine '20