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How Well Do Skidmore Students Know Saratoga Coffee?

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Skidmore chapter.

If there is one thing Saratoga has, it’s cute coffee shops. At Skidmore, we take our coffee shops seriously. Allegiance to a specific coffee spot is part of our identity and come Sunday, you can find many students working away at their fave coffee spot. Be it the aesthetic, the people or the tasty coffee and treats, there is always something that makes a place worthy of the title “favorite”. But when a shop is basically Instagram IRL, how much are we really paying attention to the coffee?

We rounded up coffee from four local places: Saratoga Coffee Traders, Uncommon Grounds, Starbucks and our dining hall, to see how well we really know our coffee. 

Ruby Siegel

Skidmore '18