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If You’ve Bought Milk in One of These 16 States, You’re Entitled to Some Cash Back

We have some good news. If you live in Arizona, California, Washington D.C., Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, West Virginia, or Wisconsin, and have purchased a milk product since 2003, you are entitled to a small settlement due to an antitrust lawsuit.

The Rundown

Milk jug cream
Natsuko Mazany

The antitrust lawsuit (which you can learn more about here), alleges a theory that many members of the tycoon dairy-producing industry (including Dairy Farmers of America Inc., Land O’Lakes, National Milk Producers Federation, and more) have been up to some sketchy business. The $52 million settlement accuses dairy producers of price-fixing milk products by limiting raw farm milk production by prematurely slaughtering dairy cows

What Does This Mean for You? 

acne remedies milk tea
Alex Frank

If you live in one of those states and have purchased a milk product (including yogurt, cottage cheese, half & half, cream, cream cheese, or sour cream), you can file a claim for a refund. No proof of purchase is required.

All you need to do is visit this site and fill out the form and an estimated $10-20 will be sent to you. The deadline is January 31, 2017. It may not sound like much, but hey, it’s better than nothing. 

Katherine has been involved with Spoon since the early days of the NYU chapter. She continued to write for Spoon while earning her master's degree in human nutrition at Columbia University and authored the Spoon Guide to Healthier 2016. Katherine likes to avoid wearing real pants, hanging out with her rescue pup Millie, drinking iced coffee in all 4 seasons, and baking vegan treats (yes, Baker is her last name). Katherine is now a student at Columbia Mailman School of Public Health and learns about how climate change impacts human health and nutrition (#school5ever). Hit her up on Insta (@katherinebaker4) and kbaked.com for more #relatablecontent.