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Who Invented Eggnog and Why Is It Controversial?

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at JWU Providence chapter.

When we think of the holidays, some drinks immediately come to mind: apple cider, pumpkin everything, Coquito (a coconut-based alcoholic beverage popular in Puerto Rico), sparkling cider, champagne and of course, eggnog. Whether you love it or hate it, when eggnog hits the grocery store shelves, you know the holiday season is fast approaching.

So who actually thought of combining eggs, heavy cream, milk, sugar and a variety of spices and liquors into one drink that is full of deliciousness and calories? According to Time Magazine, eggnog originated in Britain during the early medieval times. It was actually called posset which is a hot drink similar to an ale. 

During the 1700s, eggnog came to America and became a symbol of the holidays. However, the name “eggnog” is still a mystery. Many say “nog” comes from “noggin” or wooden cup. However the name came to be, it became permanent in the 18th century. 

There is no clear reason why eggnog is consumed during the holidays–aside from the fact that such a heavy drink is quick way to fill up in cold weather when our bodies burn more calories to stay warm, but many feel it’s very unhealthy and should only be consumed a small portion of the year.

One cup of eggnog can have a whopping of 223 calories. It could also be that it can be expensive for companies to produce so they only produce it during a portion of the year. Or maybe, no one wants to drink a milky, egg mixture on a hot summer day. 

Eggnog has also been thrown into some controversy. In 2015, Bloomingdale’s published a holiday ad that stated: “Spike your best friend’s eggnog when they’re not looking.” 

The backlash from the ad caused Bloomingdale’s to apologize (as they should) for promoting date rape. They acknowledged that this ad was created in poor-taste but what is more interesting is the fact it went through SEVERAL people before it became published. 

Another big debate with eggnog is it actually safe to drink? It is, if you use pasteurized eggs, a cooked base, or buy it from the store. If using raw eggs, you run the risk of potentially getting salmonella. Dumping a bottle of rum in your homemade eggnog does not guarantee that it will kill bacteria.

If you do not want to drink straight eggnog, you can make a variety of food & baked goods with it. Eggnog French toast, cupcakes, cookies, bread, and pancakes are just some options. For non-dairy or vegan options try almond nog or coconut milk nog. 

Eggnog definitely has an interesting history as there is no clear source for it’s origin. You either like it or you don’t but either way, it’s dominant during the holiday season.

Simone is a senior at Johnson & Wales studying Baking & Pastry/ Travel & Tourism. She enjoys shopping, brunch, The Great Gatsby and sleeping.