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10 Vegan Breakfasts That Are Perfect for When You’re On-the-Go

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Yale chapter.

We all lead busy lives. From school, to work, to extra-cirriculuars, to maintaining a social life, there is little time to think about food. Who am I kidding? I think about food all the time. But that does not mean I don’t find myself hungry and tired with only five minutes to get across campus. 

That is where these 10 breakfast ideas come in handy. No matter how much time you have, what your mood you are in, or what ingredients you have on hand, you are sure to love one of these options.  

1. Oatmeal

Who doesn’t love a bowl of oatmeal? This is a super easy breakfast to make on the go because it only requires two ingredients, oats and plant-based milk, everything else is optional. Angela Liddon (aka OhSheGlows) has an amazing recipe, but if you are pressed for time you can just throw the oats and milk-of-choice in a bowl and heat in the microwave for two minutes. 

2. Cereal

I have yet to find a quicker breakfast than cereal. It is so easy to pour some into a bowl, throw some into a bag, or grab a handful on the way out in the morning. Although it might seem like cereal isn’t vegan, many brands are. Just make sure you check the ingredients before you start shoveling the good stuff. 

Some yummy vegan cereals: Cascadian Farm Organic Cinnamon Crunch, Barbara’s Bakery Puffins, and Kashi Island Vanilla Whole Wheat Biscuts.  

3. Avocado Toast 

The best part about avocado toast is how versitile it is. You can go the traditional route (toast, avocado, and red pepper flakes) or you can dress it up with cucumbers, sprouts, and feta. Yes, your avocado toast probably won’t look this photogenic when you make it before class, but it will still taste as good as it looks in the picture. 

Some bomb additions: cucumbers, radishes, sprouts, feta, lemon juice, siracha, and balsamic vinegar. 

4. Nut Butter Toast

I love this picture because like Caitlin Shoemaker (frommybowl) I struggle to choose between sweet and savory breakfasts. And even when I am feeling decisive, how can I turn down a piece (or three) of almond butter toast? Just like its green cousin (avocado toast), you can dress nut butter toast up or down. My toast toppings change everyday which I am not mad about. 

Toppings, toppings, toppings: raspberry jelly, sliced banana, sliced strawberries, dried cranberries, chopped dates, and chia seeds.

5. Vegan Breakfast Sandwich

#SpoonTip: Pack your smoothie ingredients in a ziplock bag the night before to speed up your morning. Just dump the contents in your blender and add liquid.

This sammy takes a bit longer than cereal or toast, but it is worth the extra effort, especially when you need a hearty start to your day. 

Start with a English muffin or bagel, some vegan cheese, and a few strips of vegan bacon. Once you have the basics covered, you can add some mustard, greens, and even a vegan egg.

6. Smoothie Bowl

Smoothie bowls are great because, like the other breakfast options, they are customizable. Not to mention they are a great when you need to use up fruit in your fridge. And they are super refreshing. And low calorie! I can’t think of a reason not to whip one up. 

7. Smoothies 

Smoothies are a bit less fussy than smoothie bowls, and they take way less time to make. Also, just like smoothie bowls are a great way to use up fruit, smoothies are a great way to use up leafy greens. Seriously, throw in a handful of spinach into your next smoothie. You will not even taste it.

Awesome flavor combos: 

#1- strawberry, banana, and almond milk. A classic. 

#2- raspberry, orange, and coconut water. Random combo, but it works. 

#3- mango, pineapple, and coconut milk. Basically a ticket to paradise. 

8. Fruit

Have you heard that fruit is nature’s candy? Well it is. And also nature’s fast food. It is so easy to grab an apple, banana, or a cup of sliced pineapple when you are pressed for time. In no time fruit will be your go to, especially when you have to rush out the door for that 8am class. 

9. Banana Bread

breakfast meal prep ideas sweet chocolate
Vivian Armitage

If you are all about Sunday night meal prep, then this is a recipe you will want to have. This banana bread is so yummy. It honestly tastes like an indulgence even when you use healthy ingredients, okay chocolate chips aren’t exactly healthy… But it is important it treat yo’ self.  

10. Black Bean Brownies

These are the perfect indulgence. Katie has mastered the healthy brownie recipe. Don’t think black beans will cut it, try her sweet potato brownies. Although these confections are probably not meant to be eaten before 11am, these brownies are great when you need a little something sweet in your life. 

I am an avid baker, die-hard runner, and a lover of red nail polish. I hate milk in my coffee and sugar in my tea. I adore Ethiopian food and vegan pizza, but despise all fried fare. I love finding powerful quotes and listening to undefinable “good” music. The perfect Friday night would be spent sitting on a couch with friends, eating frozen mango, and chatting while “The Office” played in the background.