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These Cookies Are the Perfect Treat for You and Your Dog

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Wake Forest chapter.

If you’re like me, it pains you to see your dog get all excited about some food you’re making only to realize you are not sharing. It makes me sad not only because you feel like you’re torturing your little pal, but also because the dog doesn’t realize that you’re choosing not to share for his or her own good. There are so many foods that are dangerous and even deadly to dogs, that even when you want to share, it’s risky.

dog treats chocolate oatmeal
Megan Rivenburg

If you’re like me in another way, you’ve probably wondered what dog treats taste like. Why do they get so excited over a little brown foul-smelling nugget of poultry? Why are they motivated by these treats more than anything else in the world? Why can’t I get a treat every time I pee outside?

These recipe blurs the line between dog treat and human treat, so it’s perfect to share with your furry friend. You won’t have to feel bad about withholding food from your dog because he or she can have one too, and there’s no need to worry about the ingredients in these being harmful to animals.

dog treats
Megan Rivenburg

Peanut butter is a dog favorite, as we all know. Bananas are completely safe for dogs as well, as long as they don’t eat an entire bunch (since the large amount of sugar could upset their stomachs).

Oats, as well, are completely safe for canine consumption. They are even beneficial and provide iron and soluble fiber. These nutrients can be especially helpful to elderly dogs and dogs with stomach issues since the oats can help to settle an upset tummy. The soluble fiber in oats helps keep hearts healthy and the digestive tract operating smoothly.

Human-Approved Dog Treats

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 5 minutesCook time: 15 minutesTotal time: 20 minutesServings:16 servings



  1. Preheat oven to 350°F and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

  2. Mash bananas into a large bowl and add peanut butter and oats. Mix well.

  3. Drop mixture onto lined cookie sheet in spoonfuls until there are 16-20 of them. Bake 12-15 minutes.

Not only are these cookies easy AF, but they’re also vegan, dairy-free, and gluten-free (as long as they were processed away from wheat products), so there’s no discrimination here on who can enjoy cookies with their pets.

I tried out the recipe myself and they’re both dog and human approved all the same (shout-out to our test dog, Bandit!). Try them out for a natural, love-filled alternative to dog treats.

dog treats chicken
Megan Rivenburg

Megan Rivenburg

Wake Forest '17

Oatmeal enthusiast just boppin' my way through life