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Your Sodium Intake Might Be Negatively Impacting Your Health

Americans love their sodium. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends consuming less than 2,300 mg of sodium a day, yet the average American consumes almost 1,000 mg over that recommended daily intake.

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Natalie Choy

The most common sources of sodium come from processed foods, which accounts for almost 80% of our regular sodium intake. Other common contributors include grains and meat, since we consume them so often. 

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Jasmine Tang

Consuming too much sodium can lead to increased blood pressure, which increases risk of heart disease and strokes. Therefore, the World Health Organization recommends that all Americans should reduce their sodium intake. A reduction in the amount of sodium consumed would reduce risks of stroke and promote better heart health.

In order to reduce your sodium intake, several easy steps can be taken. Since processed foods are a huge contributor to excess sodium, eating less processed foods would greatly reduce the amount of sodium consumed on a daily basis. Eating fresher fruits and vegetables, which are low in sodium, could also promote better health. 

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Santina Renzi

Regardless of your current sodium intake, it is always beneficial to reduce the amount of sodium you consume. Taking easy steps to reduce your sodium intake can provide major health benefits in the long-term.  

Kate is currently a Senior majoring in Political Science with a double minor in Sociology and Journalism. In addition to Spoon, she has written for NC State's The Technician, Study Breaks Magazine and The Tempest. She is a member of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity, the National Residence Hall Honorary and the Women of Welch Leadership Village on-campus. She loves being a member of Wolfpack Nation and serving anyway that she can!