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Finsihed Garden
Finsihed Garden

My Most Valuable College Lesson Came From a 12 Year-Old and His Community Garden

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Pace Westchester chapter.

Have you ever thought of a really good idea, but didn’t follow through with it?  

I was recently reminded of such memories when I heard about an organization called The Pleasantville Community Garden from a close friend and former volunteer. Having been at Pace University for a few years, I felt ignorant not knowing about it. This feeling of guilt increased as I learned more about the beginnings of the garden.

The Kid

Community Garden
Photo courtesy of David Juros

The organization was started in 2013 by Devin Juros, a resident of Pleasantville, when he was only 12-years-old. He found out that 20% of Westchester County, (about 200,000 people), is affected by hunger.

Although Juros was in middle school, he decided to take action. He gathered his friends and family and was able to come up with a solution to a major, local issue.   

The Pleasantville Community Garden was built in 2014, on the property of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Pleasantville, with a promise to provide fresh, organic vegetables to local food pantries, and that’s exactly what it did. 

The Lesson

Community Garden grass water
Photo courtesy of David Juros

Learning about the Pleasantville Community Garden made me realize that I often fail to follow through with ideas that I have because I’m scared of failure. I become unmotivated and I quit.

Devin reminded me that I can make a difference, I just have to stay driven. He had a big dream, and he achieved it through being confident, and relying on the support of his friends and family. Not only is the Pleasantville Community Garden fueling bodies, but inspiring minds as well.

The Community 

Community Garden vegetable
Photo courtesy of David Juros

If you’re interested in meeting Devin and his team, the Garden is currently accepting volunteers. Embrace the autumn season by planting, driving to pantries, collecting vegetables from the Farmer’s Market or donating to one of the five pantries the Garden serves.

Anna Palazzi

Pace Westchester '18

Just your average food lover