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The Six-Step Homemade Focaccia That Slays the Appetizer Game

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Dartmouth chapter.

My high school physics teacher once assigned our class the homework of thinking of five foods we couldn’t live without and why. He probably thought he was surprising us with a homework-free night while still leaving the possibility of an interesting conversation the next day (not that Newton’s Laws and magnetic fields aren’t interesting), but no joke, that “assignment” took me longer than any other.

While I tore my hair out debating whether I’d rather live without chocolate or steak (which is possible to make with $10 or less), I knew for sure that the number one food on my list was bread. It’s the perfect food: it comes in endless forms, it pairs well with everything, it fills you up, and it’s easy to make (and, more importantly, to eat). Plus, It can be crunchy, doughy, cheesy, dry, moist, seedy or salty.

This six-ingredient focaccia recipe encapsulates everything I love about bread. The combination of fresh herbs and hot, salty crust is ideal for those cool spring nights when you’re ready for all the glorious flavors of fresh food after a long winter hibernation.

And it looks way harder to make than it actually is. Just sayin’.


Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes

Servings: 12


Photo by Katelyn Jones

Pizza dough (Check out this six-ingredient recipe to make your own, or be lazy and buy some premade. No judgment here.)
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/3 cup shredded basil leaves
4 sprigs fresh thyme
4 sprigs fresh rosemary

1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Oil the bottom of a pan with 2 tablespoons olive oil.


Photo by Katelyn Jones

2. Stretch the pizza dough across the bottom of the pan and dimple it (time to get handsy).


Photo by Katelyn Jones

3. Press the herbs into the top of the dough with your fingers.


Photo by Katelyn Jones

4. Drizzle the rest of the olive oil and sprinkle the sea salt over the top.


Photo by Katelyn Jones

5. Bake for 30 minutes.


Photo by Katelyn Jones

6. Let cool and enjoy.


Photo by Katelyn Jones

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Looking for more scrumptious bread recipes? Try these:

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Caroline Petro

Dartmouth '18