Some of us love the kitchen, others prefer delivery and dining out (or cereal with milk, if pressed to compile their own meal). Regardless of where you lie on the spectrum, here are the dishes you should master in 2016.
Eggs Every Way

Photo by Megan Prendergast
Chances are you’ve scrambled an egg or two before, but there is more than one way to break an egg. Try poaching, soft-boiling or serving them sunny-side up in 2016. For a complete list of all of the ways to cook eggs, check out this article.
Brownies from Scratch

Photo by Camille Reisfield
There’s nothing wrong with boxed brownies, but nothing says “I’m a badass in the kitchen” like homemade desserts, and brownies are a huge crowd pleaser. Check out these 3-ingredient brownies for an easy and delicious treat.
A Slow Cooker Dish

Photo by Kendra Valkema
They’re touted as easy to make, but slow cooker meals can be, well, slow. And with delivery pizza 5 minutes away, slowly cooking food seems unnecessary. But after checking out these recipes, you’ll be running out to buy a slow cooker – call it a New Years present to yourself.
Pasta from Scratch

Photo by Daniel Schuleman
While we’ve got nothing against spaghetti and jarred sauce, there’s something awesome about making noodles yourself. Test out this two-ingredient pasta and toss it into your one-pot pasta dinner.
Spinach and Artichoke Dip

Gif Courtesy of Samantha Ho
Actually, this dip would’ve been useful to master before you rang in the New Year, but learn it in 2016 and you’ll be set for every party ever.
Chopped Salad

Photo by Bernard Wen
This is the king of all salads and it’s surprisingly easy. Mix up a summer version using this recipe.

Photo by Ashley Manning
If you didn’t make it in 2015, it’s time to make it now.
Chia Seed Pudding

Photo by Katherine Baker
While it sounds (and looks) like a health-nut’s dessert, chia seed pudding is actually quite easy. Who says 2016 breakfasts have to be difficult?
Grilled Cheese

Photo by Kylie Kinder
Sounds simple, but grilled cheese can be dressed up for a fancy night out or kept classic as a sandwich all five-year-olds know and love.
Homemade Cocktails

Photo by Christin Urso
Because there is so much more to alcohol than shots and bad chasers. Check out the future of mixed drinks and find a few recipes here.
Ice Cream

Photo by Karen Chou
No ice cream maker (or bananas) required. Check it out here. Bonus points if you bake some cookies and turn it into an ice cream sandwich.
Mashed Potatoes

Photo by Helena Lin
Russet, red or sweet, mash whichever you like in 2016. Make them like this.
Homemade Salad Dressing

Photo by Bernard Wen
Oil and acid and seasonings and you’re good to go. Pour it over a mason jar salad if you really want to impress. Check out some tasty combinations here.

Photo by Grégoire Durand
Pick a fish, any fish, just not of a candy or nugget variety. Salmon – grilled, baked or smoked – is always a good option. Recipe here.

Photo by Malia Hu
While Aunt Jemima is always a welcome member at the breakfast table, from scratch is a smidge more admirable. Try this recipe for fluffy, mouthwatering flapjacks hailing from the other side of the pond.
Sweet Potato Fries

Photo by Amanda Gajdosik
Baked or fried, sweet potato fries are the second most googled recipe of 2015. So if you didn’t learn it last year, here’s how to make them now.
Happy New Year, it’s time to get cooking.