Ah, peanut butter. Whether you like the spread because it helps you cope with stressreplace a significant other, or just because it tastes so f**cking good, you like it. Everyone does. And if someone doesn't, don't trust them.

As if peanut butter isn't already irresistible on its own, Peanut Principle, a gourmet nut butter company out of Albany, NY, is making peanut butter even more delectable.

The company creates many unique peanut butter flavors that are almost too good to be true. Somehow, this company has found our favorite treats and tastes, and combined them with our ultimate favorite taste: peanut butter (duh).

Their flavors are unlike any other specialty peanut butter you have ever tasted. The flavors are very diverse, but can be boiled down to about three categories: Cereal, Fruit, and Chocolate.

Cereal Flavors

As much as we always have an infatuation with peanut butter, we also have a new obsession lately: cereal. The cereal-mixed-with-other-foods trend has been hot and Peanut Principle has recently jumped on board! They created a new cereal line with cereal peanut butter flavors. Cereal peanut butter flavors include Cinnamon Crisp, Cocoa Puffed Rice, and Fruity Crisp. If you're not a cereal for breakfast person, enjoy these flavors by the spoonful as a sweet treat any time of the day.

Fruit Flavors

Who doesn't love fruit dipped in peanut butter? With the fruit flavors that Peanut Principle offers, you can get the fruit and the peanut butter flavor in one. It'll save you some energy since you won't have to physically dip anything. It's all right there in your jar.

Besides banana (pictured on the right), they also have flavors like apple and dark chocolate raspberry. I mean you can't really go wrong with dark chocolate, peanut butter, and raspberry. If raspberries aren't your go-to berry, there is also a very berry flavor.

Chocolate Flavors

There is truly no better combination than chocolate and peanut butter. So many candies, cookies, and other sweets involve artificial peanut butter and chocolate (*cough* Reese's *cough*). With Peanut Principle chocolate peanut butters, you get the real thing: natural peanut butter itself with a special small-batch flavor running through it.

Besides cookie dough and brownie batter, there's also a cookies and cream flavor—can you say Parent Trap pb and Oreos throwback? The company also has both white chocolate and dark chocolate, s'mores (kinda like when you put a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup in your s'more—do it), rocky road, and chocolate quinoa crisp.

Step up your peanut butter game and try these delicious flavors. You can order these online, and can even gift other peanut butter lovers with gift certificates. Whether you buy for a friend or for yourself, these peanut butters are worth trying.