
Thanks For Spooning With Us

On Friday November 6th Spoon UVM had our Spoon Senses event, and it kicked ass.  In order to celebrate we tabled in our student center and handed out free hot chocolate in order to promote our site.

Photo by Addy Cummings

We offered toppings for those who joined our email list and got over 50 emails. We offered home-made caramel, Nutella, whipped cream, mini-marshmallows, and graham crackers. Once people made their hot chocolate they were free to decorate it in whichever way they chose. My personal favorite was a cup with a scoop of Nutella, some mini- marshmallows, doused in whipped cream, and a tiny drop of sprinkles. Yum.

Gif courtesy of rebloggy.com

We definitely got lucky. Our event happened to fall on the same Friday as the last day to buy ski passes, so there was a lot of foot traffic. Throw in a sudden rainstorm and we had a lot of people suddenly walking through the student center, cold and craving some sweet hot chocolate.

Photo by Addy Cummings

A big thanks to City Market and Ben and Jerry’s for making our event possible. Not to mention all our members who donated time and money to our event, you guys are seriously the best.

Our Spoon Senses event was a great success and a ton of fun.

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