Whether it’s sizzling in a stir fry or simmering in pasta sauce, garlic adds a distinct punch to almost any savory dish. However, before its flavor can be unleashed, garlic must be peeled. Here’s how it’s done quickly and efficiently.


1. Take a whole head of garlic, and start peeling off the outer skin from the top.

peel garlic

Photo by Kai Huang

2. Once enough skin is removed, pry open the head of garlic.

peel garlic

Photo by Kai Huang

3. Break off as many cloves of garlic as you need.

peel garlic

Photo by Kai Huang

4. Carefully cut off the bottom of each garlic clove, removing as little garlic as possible.

peel garlic

Photo by Kai Huang

5. Using the side of a knife or anything with a sturdy flat surface, firmly hit the clove 2-3 times. If you want to mince the garlic, you can smash it with more force to break up the clove and quicken mincing. If sliced garlic or other cuts are desired, hit the garlic gently but firmly to dislodge the skin.

peel garlic

Photo by Kai Huang

6. Pinch the tip of the skin above the clove, and pull. It should slide off cleanly.

peel garlic

Photo by Kai Huang