Northwestern is the land of constant midterms: what we need is some serious brain power. Here are seven foods that promote the cerebral flow.
1. Blueberries
This tiny super fruit is linked to heightened memory and retention. It also relieves oxidative stress and boast many antioxidants to keep your skin looking fresh.

Photo by Hannah Lin
2. Nuts and Seeds
These bad boys contain vitamin E, a nutrient that hinders cognitive decline. For optimal benefits, try almonds, walnuts and flaxseed: the omega-3 content boosts neurotransmitter function.

Photo by Hannah Lin
3. Fish
Again with the fatty acids! Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential to brain function. Eating other oily fish, like mackerel, has the same effect, so no fear if you can’t get a hold of that slippery salmon.

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4. Whole Grains
Machines need power and fuel to function. Grains provide glucose as a form of energy for our own machine: our brain. Whole grains release glucose slowly, providing fuel throughout the day.

Photo by Devon Carlson
5. Greens
Mom always said eat your vegetables, and we gotta hand it to her. Greens, like broccoli, have a chlorine supplement that has been shown to keep neurotransmitters healthy. Leafy greens, like kale, also contain vitamin K, which boosts cognition.

Photo by Alex Tom
6. Avocado
Don’t be mistaken by the fat in avocados; it is monounsaturated, or rather the “good fat” that promotes healthy blood flow. Avocados also help lower blood pressure and reduce stress.

Photo by Julia Maguire
7. Red Wine
Pop open that red and raise your glass (but don’t go too Miley on us now)! Experts say that red wine, if consumed in moderation, can maintain brain function. Harvard Medical School’s Department of Genetics professor and co-director, David Sinclair, states resveratrol found in red wine (most concentrated in Pinot Noir grapes) slows the aging process and wards off disease.

Photo by Kelda Baljon