
12 Ways to Eat Hummus Other Than With Vegetables

There’s nothing wrong with using hummus as a dip for your carrots and cherry tomatoes, but hummus is so much more than a plain old dip. Its creamy texture resembles that of many other ingredients, and it can be used as a substitute in many dishes. Plus, some flavors of hummus can season some foods better than your regular salt and pepper. So next time a tub of hummus lands in your fridge, check this page out for ideas on how to use it to its full potential.

1. With chicken

Photo courtesy of gimmesomeoven.com

Crust or stuff your chicken breast with hummus. Either way, it will take any ordinary chicken dish and turn it into something unexpected, but flavorful.

2. In pizza

Photo courtesy of Natural Noshing

Instead of going with the ol’ red marinara, pesto or even Alfredo, use hummus as your base the next time you have a pizza party at home. Hummus will still provide the the neutral base that you need and add a creamy and smooth texture.

3. In pasta

Photo courtesy of bonappetit.com

Mixing together some pasta water with hummus can transform the dip into a sauce that can coat your next pasta dish.

4. In sandwiches

Photo by Megan Prendergast

Hummus is a great healthier option to use instead of mayonnaise. It might not be as smooth as mayo, but it will work just as well to hold your sandwich together while giving it another flavor profile.

5. In quesadillas

Photo courtesy of cookincanuck.com

It seems like almost anything has been stuffed into a quesadilla, so why not try some hummus? Add some avocado slices with it and sprinkle of cheese and it’ll be your next best seller.

6. In cake

Photo courtesy of amyshealthybaking.com

This one might be the most unconventional. Hummus is normally thought of a as a savory product, but this cake recipe says otherwise. Giving a little nuttiness to a cake can go a long way.

7. With quinoa…

Photo courtesy of yesiamvegan.com

Quinoa cakes are a great vegetarian dish and can even be used to make quinoa burgers. Keeping them together is usually a challenge, but the thick, paste-like texture of hummus will have no problem holding it all together.

8. In ice cream

Photo courtesy of buzzfeed.com

You may have to travel across the world to get a scoop of this original dessert, but no one’s stopping you from making it at home. Just think of hummus, but sweeter. This recipe’s definitely for those who aren’t afraid to try some wild things.

9. With pita chips

Photo by Keni Lin

This might be just as common as eating hummus with vegetables, but it’s such a classic combination that never fails to please your taste buds. It’s just like tortilla chips and guacamole with a mediterranean twist. How bad could that be?

10. In soup

Photo courtesy of foodnetwork.com

Think of it this way: we put beans in our soup so why not put chickpeas? It’s a little out there, but it’ll make a creamy soup without having to use heavy cream. Plus, if Food Network has a recipe for it, it must be good.

11. With salmon

Photo courtesy of epicurious.com

Salmon can be a little bland without any seasoning or sauce, so adding a little hummus love for a crust can make all the difference between a bland and flavorful dish. You can also just add a dollop on top if you don’t want to crust it.

12. With potatoes

Photo courtesy of gimmesomeoven.com

The buttery, salty, peppery taste of classic mashed potatoes isn’t something to be messed with, but adding a little hummus won’t hurt the integrity of the dish. If anything, it’ll give it the extra zing in the background that’ll keep you wanting more.

Want more hummus deliciousness? Click below to see more: