Read about some of our favorite gluten and dairy free options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the GCU campus.
Spoon University at GCU
Best Gluten and Dairy Free Meals on Campus
Spoon University at IU
I Went To Bloomington’s Most Iconic Restaurant To Try FARM Bloomington’s Lunch Menu
I went to FARM an iconic Bloomington restaurant well known for their amazing dinners to try FARM Bloomington's lunch menu
Spoon University at U Mich
All of Your Favorite Types of Alcohol, Ranked by Sugar Content
Because all we ever hear about are the calories in alcohol.
Spoon University at Temple
5 Low-Cal Ice Creams to Have In Your Freezer
For when you want to eat the whole pint
Spoon University at Maryland
I Went Vegan for a Week Even Though I Love Eating Meat
I traded in tenderloin for tofu.
Spoon University at Delaware
I Finally Tried Halo Top Ice Cream to See If It’s Worth the Hype
Thankful that these new flavors did not disappoint.
Spoon University at UNL
5 Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes To Gobble Up This Year
Turkey and friends are NOT food (to some of us). So fret not veggie lovers, here are 5 vegan friendly Thanksgiving side dishes that will make sure you aren't...
Spoon University at GVSU
Top 3 Soups at Fresh Food Co.
Say goodbye to bland flavors and disappointing meals, these seasoned soups aim to please.
Spoon University at U Mich
We Tried Lauren Toyota’s Vegan Snack Haul
When Lauren Toyota wears army pants and flip flops, I want army pants and flip flops.