A mini fridge is an essential part of college life. It is so much more than a place we store back-up snacks and drinks. It is a compact collection of our favorite things in life. What we stock in our fridges says a lot about who we are and what we value.
While there is no precise science (yet) to determine which type of mini fridge you are, most tend to fall into these archetypes. Which one fits your mini fridge lifestyle?
The Health Nut
The Health Nut is the type of person who thinks kale chips are a junk food. They live solely off produce and vitamins, and probably run 6-8 miles a day. They are also likely resented by all of their friends.
The Juicer
The Juicer is a health food dabbler. During their monthly juice cleanses, they will have a few bottles of cold-pressed juice and several pieces of fresh fruit in their mini-fridge at any given time. When they’re not on a cleanse, you can find them shot-gunning slices of pizza.
The Beverage Connoisseur
The Beverage Connoisseur either really loves to stay hydrated, or frequently makes sketchy mixed drinks. The only things in their mini fridge are Gatorade and Red Bull. They are also the kind of person who always orders a drink at a restaurant (when no one else does).
The Balanced Eater
The Balanced Eater truly takes the food pyramid (or plate) to heart with their mini-fridge. They always have a nice assortment of produce, dairy, meat and grains, and probably really miss their kitchen at home. If you’re looking for them at 2 am, they’re probably pinning recipes for quinoa and salmon.
The Sandwich Savant
The Sandwich Savant’s mini fridge is like the deli of your dreams. Ham, turkey, salami, cheddar, mustard, mayo, lettuce, tomato— they’ve got it all. Chances are they also have a panini press under their bed.
The Seasonal Eater
The Seasonal Eater prides themselves on only buying local. You’ll probably catch them walking back from the Farmer’s Market at 10 am every Saturday carrying bags full of seasonal produce. They are also the same person who thinks driving an hour to go apple picking is a fun weekend activity.
The Leftover Lover
The Leftover Lover eats out for every meal. They know the best spot for midnight fries, afternoon sushi, and morning pastries because they have been everywhere and tried everything. They are also probably broke.