When it comes to breakfast staple foods, fresh-cut fruit is a healthy and convenient go-to. So whether you’re delving into some pre-cut melon slices or grabbing a piece of whole fruit before class, we’re here to help you figure out which dining hall to head to. Here’s a review of a few notable Res College options:

Photo by Alexis Inguggiato

Photo by Alexis Inguggiato
Props to Trumbull’s dining staff for laying out a freaking cornucopia of natural sugars every day! Stop by for a bowl of the pre-sliced cantaloupe, or maybe just to snatch one of the bananas that adorn the outside of the arrangement. With so many beautiful options, it’s hard to go wrong.
Grade: A
I have to say, I’m not a huge fan of ice-covered honeydew, especially when mottled oranges are my only alternative whole-fruit option. As a Calhoun frequent, I think I’m justified in saying that this dining hall is in dire need of some fruit-friendly diversity.
Grade: C+
Morse & Stiles

Photo by Katie Fletcher
Generally, these Siamese twins of Yale dining offer a feeble selection of sliced melons and half-ripe pineapple. But in light of recent rumors of honeycrisp apples, I’m tempted to reconsider my evaluation.
Grade: B-
Silliman might be a bit lacking in the sliced fruit department, but it’s a go-to if you’re in search of a diverse range of whole fruit options. Making the trek to the very back of the hot food bar (past the no-man’s-land that is the gluten-free section) is well worth it if you’re in the mood for some straight-from-the-farm quality produce.
Grade: B+/A-
There’s something so satisfying about the way a full plate of watermelon slices pops out against Pierson’s white-walled interior. Although this dining hall might not have quite as many options as some of its competitors, the arrays are pleasing to the eye, and the quality isn’t too shabby.
Grade: B
Ok, so maybe it’s hard to compete with Trumbull when it comes to top fruit display. But Davenport’s variety might just make up for its unexciting aesthetic layout. Check out Dport if you’re in the mood for a good quality apple or banana, or if you want watermelon, pineapple and cantaloupe all on the same day (*gasp*). Bonus points for the dining hall’s regal atmosphere.
Grade: A-
Berkeley might be a bit dark and gothic looking, but the freshness of the fruit doesn’t disappoint. Swipe here for a high-end whole fruit, or to see if the whisperings of chocolate dipped frozen bananas are the real deal.
Grade: B+
Jonathan Edwards
JE’s dining hall architecture might not suit the tastes of many, but its fruit selection certainly should. With a solid array of pre-sliced fruits and more variety than most other dining halls, you can count on Jonathan Edwards to start your day off with fruit-filled flair. And the artful display of apples spilling from buckets definitely earns JE some extra credit (it’s color coordinated!).
Grade: B