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The 5 Best Spots in West Chester for Your Thirsty Thursday Shenanigans

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at West Chester chapter.

Every Thursday, college students everywhere debate which bars they should go to. No one can agree where to start, but everyone wants to have fun and still have money in the morning. So, I’ve compiled this countdown of the 5 best (and cheapest) bars in West Chester on a Thursday night.

5. Ryan’s


Photo by Megan Orr

The DJ starts at 10 pm, but the $2 you-call-its start at 9 pm. If you have more money to spend than I do, it’s $3 for top shelf brands. In the warmer weather, the roof of Ryan’s is open. Look for it in the middle of the 100 block on West Gay Street.

4. Kildare’s


Photo by Layne Fogarty

They have two bars right across from each other on the same floor, then another bar located half a floor up outside. You’ll have no excuses for an empty drink in your hand.

The $2 you-call-its are everywhere on this list. It’s only on well drinks at Kildare’s though, so make sure you’ve gone somewhere else to dull your taste buds before you hit this bar. You’ll find it by the corner of High and West Gay.

3. Barnaby’s


Photo by Danielle Vallino

This bar has an upstairs, downstairs and patio. The dance floor is located upstairs, but the main bar is on the first floor. The patio is also equipped with it’s own bar.

Surprise, they also have $2 you-call-its on well drinks. Their’s is only from 10-midnight, but they also have $3 pounders and $5 bombs. There’s a DJ at 9 upstairs, and an acoustic band at the main bar starting at 10. Look for Barnaby’s on South High Street before you hit Market.

2. Landmark


Photo by Jessica Tague

This place has 2 floors, both with fully stocked bars and dance floors. This gem closes it’s restaurant-style set up when Thirsty Thursday starts, so it’s definitely somewhere you want to be.

The DJ starts at 9, but the $2 mixed drinks and fireball shots don’t start until 10. Hit this one later in the night. You don’t want to start off the night taking fireball shots unless you want to be walked home early. You can find Landmark on the corner of West Gay and South Darlington.

1. Jake’s


Photo by Tara Maddox

This one is kind of cheating. Jake’s is always $1 beer, every day, open to close. Stop in on your walk home for one last drink to really top off the night. You deserve it. Jake’s is on the 500 block of Matlack, next to Riggtown. Grab some pizza while you’re there.

You’re going to feel it in the morning, but your wallet won’t.

I am a junior Graphic and Interactive Design major. I'm the Treasurer of the AIGA, sister of Alpha Xi Delta National Fraternity, and pitbull lover. I own a 10 month old pitbull puppy named Winchester Emerson.