Over the last year of living in West Chester, I have fallen in love with the restaurants they have to offer. Whether you want something quick or you want to sit down to have an elaborate meal, downtown West Chester offers it all, there a tons of spots for everyone’s personality type. This is the ultimate girl’s guide for the type of place you might find to your liking.
The Athlete: Barnaby’s

Gif courtesy of pandawhale.com
This is the girl who puts her team before anything. She doesn’t mind getting up at 6 am for practice or waiting until 8 pm to enjoy a meal due to her hectic schedule. Barnaby’s is the social “hop” for Dub C students. It is one of the busiest bars in town and is filled with multiple TV’s and the best quick eats you can ask for. This is perfect for a post-game dinner or to grab a few teammates and watch the biggest game on TV.
The “Basic”: Dia Doce

Photo courtesy of @good_vibes_eatery on Instagram
We all know this girl. She is always walking around town with her iced coffee, posts constantly on Instagram, and is always obsessing over the newest trends. The “Basic” would fit in best at Dia Doce due to the large menu of coffee and she is able to take artsy pictures to post on social media due to the unique interior. Plus who wouldn’t want a cookie dough cupcake to eat while reading TSM posts?
The Partier: Chris’ Pizza

Photo courtesy of Chris’s Pizza on Facebook
If you are this girl, you will agree with everything I am about to say. If you are not this girl, you probably have helped her stumble into this small pizza joint at approximately 2 am on a Saturday night. Chris’s Pizza is conveniently located near majority of the frat houses and a slice costs $2.50 so your not burning a huge hole into your wallet. (PSA: they also accept Ram Bucks) While you may not remember how the pizza tasted, I promise that in the moment this pizza was the best thing you have ever tasted.
The Health Nut: Couch Tomato

Gif courtesy of favim.com
This is the girl that actually enjoys eating a salad, works out everyday, and is the one everyone is jealous of because she actually can stick to her diet. Couch Tomato is perfect for the girls who like to eat mindfully. Couch Tomato serves food made with wholesome ingredients that are locally grown. It also offers many gluten free, vegetarian and vegan options to satisfy those who follow specific diets. Not to mention the food is beautifully prepared and tastes incredible.
The Romantic: Limoncello

Gif courtesy of spoonuniversity.com
We all know this one girl. She is always listening to love songs, obsessing over romantic comedies, and she just wants to meet her prince charming. While people say that most college guys are not like the ones in movies, a date to Limoncello makes the romantic feel like he is. With its dimmed lighting and the Italian scenery; the romantic will feel like she is being swept off her feet. Tip Boys: If you really want to show your affection, get her a cannoli. The one’s from Limoncello are authentic and delicious.
The Overachiever: Rapidough

Photo courtesy of Pinterest
The Overachiever is constantly on the move. Between tackling 18 credits, holding a position in her sorority, being president of three clubs, and finding time to hit the gym, this girl is never stopping. She barely has time to sleep let alone sit down and have a meal. Rapidough is the perfect choice for her because their claim for fame is serving the best pizza while making you wait the least amount of time. This allows the overachiever to not go hungry while stressing out over the three papers she has due in six hours.
All these restaurants are great choices for anyone, however if you have a certain personality you can find your own niche in downtown West Chester.