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5 Food-Related Things You’ll Only Understand if you go to WashU

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Wash U chapter.

Like any college campus, WashU dining halls have their pros and cons, but if you know the insider tips and tricks, you will be much happier—and so will your stomach. With almost four semesters at WashU behind me, I feel qualified to reveal the secrets of WashU students and their food-consumption habits. Here are five WashU food references you’ll only understand if you’re a student. 

1. Late night half & halfs 

There is nothing quite like piling into a BD booth with your friends and a plate of crispy chicken tenders and fries. At other schools, students might opt for a fast-food drive-thru or a 24-hour diner to satisfy the late-night craving for a greasy meal, but WashU students know BD does it best. Plus, you get to use up those meal points on WashU food and you don’t have to worry about calling an Uber back to campus when you inevitably start crashing from the carb overload. 

2. Spending way to many meal points at Ibby’s 

There’s just something magical about using your meal points to buy calamari and gnocchi on a Wednesday night. It feels simultaneously illegal and perfectly normal. Bonus points if you splurge on drinks and dessert, especially a Baked All Nighter. Every WashU student knows that the warm skillet of capuccino chocolate chip cookie dough topped with honey coffee ice cream is well worth the eight meal points. 

3. Walking to the Village just for the stir fry 

As a first-year living on the South Forty, BD was the go-to dinner spot; it’s convenient and you’re bound to run into at least four friends. But sometimes after a long day of writing papers in Olin, all you want is a sizzling hot bowl of stir fry with the perfect ratio of sauce to rice. While BD lets you create your own bowl, the preparation is no match for the village’s wok-cooked stir fry. Any experienced freshman (or sophomore) knows that the trek from the Forty to the Village is well worth the effort. Pro tip: schedule a workout at Summers before dinner so you’re already halfway to the Village and can enjoy a warm post-workout meal. 

4. Waiting in line on Tikka Tuesday 

Every South Forty resident knows that 6pm on Tuesday means rushing to BD to get in line at the WUrld Fusion station for a heaping portion of Tikka Masala. If you’re not strategic, you could end up standing in line for more than thirty minutes for your meal. Despite the wait, you’ll find eager Tikka lovers waiting their turn for this WashU food staple, week after week. 

5. Starting the weekend with Village Brunch 

When 11am rolls around on Saturday morning, you don’t need to head off campus to find delicious brunch options. From custom omelets with crispy bacon to French toast and pancakes, the village has an option for sweet and savory brunch lovers alike. Plus, brunch is available until 1:45 pm, giving exhausted college students the much-needed chance to catch up on sleep and still wake up to fresh eggs. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be daydreaming about that Saturday morning omelet beginning on Wednesday. 

Whether it’s shouting “Village brunch” down your freshman floor hallway or begging your friends to join you for a 1 am Half & Half, these food-related phrases will instantly bring a smile to any WashU student’s face. Only a WashU resident will truly get these references, so when you find someone who understands your (foodie) language, you have to stick with them. After all, nothing says lifelong friendship like splitting a warm and gooey all-nighter.