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How to Make Your Favorite Baked Goods Chanukah-Themed

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Wash U chapter.

There’s no shortage of amazing Jewish foods, but if you’re in the holiday spirit, it turns out that you can make all the best winter desserts Chanukah-themed. Nothing should be beyond the scope of one of the best holidays, and, with a little creativity, nothing has to be. Don’t worry about getting tired of apple cake or jelly donuts this year because the possibilities for festive treats are endless. Here’s a compilation of some Chanukah-themed baked goods that you can make to ensure the desserts and holiday joy last all eight nights. 

Babka Bread Pudding

If you have extra babka, you can make babka bread pudding to combine the best of Jewish foods with the best of winter treats. In case you’re like me and never have babka to spare, you can also try this challah bread pudding (which is especially great if you have extra challah, can squeeze in an extra grocery run, or are ambitious enough to make your own). You can throw together either the babka bread pudding or the challah bread pudding in just over an hour.

Jelly Donut Coffee Cake

Sufganiyot are my favorite part of Chanukah, and I think everyone should make this jelly donut coffee cake for Chanukah, if for no other reason than to have an excuse to eat jelly donuts (and cake) for breakfast. 

Apple Gingerbread Cake

 If you love gingerbread, why not incorporate it into your Chanukah apple cake? It’s always fun to combine the Christmas flavors of gingerbread with traditional, Chanukah apple cake. Plus, this apple gingerbread cake looks beautiful, and you can even add eight or nine sideways apple slices on top to give it a menorah-like, Chanukah flair.

Chocolate Peppermint Rugelach

I’m all for combining traditional winter flavors with traditional rugelach. You’ll definitely be able to mix things up at your Chanukah dinners with these chocolate peppermint rugelach. If you ask me, adding chocolate and peppermint to the best Jewish cookie definitely sounds like a recipe for deliciousness. Plus, there’s nothing distinct about the dough, so you can whip these up while making your more traditional batch of rugelach, too.

Cheesecake Blintzes

Cheese blintzes are already a bit like cheesecake, but these cherry cheesecake blintzes have even more cream cheese than most cheese blintzes with the added benefit of a sour cherry compote to go on top. How could cheesecake blintzes be anything but delicious? But, if you can’t eat dairy or are not a fan of cheese, apple blintzes and apple blintz pies serve as a great alternative. 

Gelt Thumprint Cookies

These low-effort gelt cookies look elegant and festive, and I firmly believe that no combination beats soft chocolate and sugar cookies. All you need to do is press a piece of gelt on sugar cookies after you take them out of the oven, and the bottom side of the chocolate will melt and take care of the rest.

Red Velvet Hamantaschen

Bring these red velvet hamantaschen to your Chanukah dinner and shock your relatives with this inventive twist on everyone’s favorite cookie. They might technically be for Purim, but I’ve never heard anyone complain about getting to eat extra hamantaschen.

Hot Chocolate and Mandelbrot

Since the menorah has a shammash, I figured I should probably include a ninth Chanukah-themed baked good. So, lastly, you can Chanukah-fy any hot chocolate by dipping your favorite mandelbrot (a Jewish cookie also known as Mandel bread) in it. Mandelbrot are truly the unsung hero of the Jewish cookie world, and chocolate chip ones would surely be a delicious pairing with peppermint hot chocolate. 

So, if you want to mix up your Chanukah desserts this year, then there are plenty of options. If you’re in the mood for more conventional desserts, there are always Chanukah cookies and  classic Jewish treats that you can find, make, and customize, too. Whatever you feel like whipping up this winter, may your holidays be happy and your baked goods delicious.

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Allie Blank

Wash U '22