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Here’s How You Can Help Wake’s Own Swizzler Fight Homelessness in DC

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Wake Forest chapter.

As members of the Wake Forest community, it is always uplifting and exciting to hear about Wake alums embarking on new and innovative journeys post-grad. This holds true for 2014 Wake grads Jesse Konig, Ben Johnson, and Jack Zimmerman, each of whom headed straight for Washington D.C. to start a gourmet, hot dog-style food truck after their senior year.

This holiday season, the Swizzler crew shifts their attention towards the homeless community in D.C. and are utilizing their success to help those less fortunate. As reported by the National Alliance to End Homelessness in 2015, nearly 580,000 people, or more than twice the size of Winston-Salem’s population, were experiencing homelessness on any given night in January 2014.

Recently, the rates of homelessness in D.C. have risen above the national average. There are nearly 8,000 homeless individuals in the area, roughly equivalent to the size of our student body.

The great news is that everyone has the chance to help the Swizzler crew in their mission to combat homelessness. As we so often turn to our Wake Forest network to help one another, now is the time to utilize our Pro-Humanitate community to help those in need. With everyone’s help, we can see that the 7,500 homeless individuals in the D.C. area will be a little warmer this winter.

In alliance with D.C.’s Coalition for the Homeless, Swizzler is spearheading a Tilt campaign dedicated to providing gloves, wool socks, blankets, sweatshirts and winter jackets to the homeless population in D.C —one of the biggest in the country.

You can donate anywhere from $1 to $50 to the fund; every donation can help. Additionally, anyone can share Swizzler’s campaign on Facebook. Not only will it help spread the word, but the Swizz team will keep donating to the cause with every share they get. 

While all of us will inevitably be busy this holiday season, we can easily take a minute out of our day to help our fellow Deacs in working with others in need. Donating to the Tilt campaign or sharing the Swizz cause on Facebook are simple ways in which everyone can lend a helping hand.

If any Deacs are lucky enough to be in the D.C. are this break, try Swizzler’s new “ChristmaHanuKwanza-Dog.” From now until December 22Swizzler will be donating a portion of their profits to give back to the less fortunate among their community.

Swizz the Season!

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Photo by Ben Johnson

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Rebecca Buchanan

Wake Forest '16