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Health Benefits of Avocado Toast Revealed: and How to Make it Best!

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Wake Forest chapter.

The Health Benefits of Avocado Toast Revealed: and How to Make it Best!


   One may ask themselves how the internet and entire food industry became so obsessed with not only the avocado itself, but more specifically the preparation of avocado toast. Everyone seems to have their favorite, whether that be prepared on an english muffin, or just some wheat toast. Honestly, the opportunities are endless and it all boils down to making it just the way you like it! I personally have found that my obsession with avocados and their versatile nature started during quarantine, where I found myself watching time slowly tick away as I watched countless youtube videos and tik tok on the art of preparing the perfect single piece of toast. While this may seem silly, as my parents continuously have told me, asking why does a piece of toast require so many ingredients. To be fair, the preparation may be strenuous at times but again its really all up to you! Whether you have 5 or 25 minutes, the world is yours when it comes to the art of the avocado. Before I dive into my tips and tricks I feel that it’s only necessary to explain the health benefits of the avocado and just how the formation of the healthy yet ever so slightly indulgent treat of avocado toast came to be.


   According to sources such as Medical News Today, avocados have a wide range of health benefits and it is highly encouraged that we incorporate them into our diets. Actually, avocado is a fruit, they provide a substantial amount of monounsaturated fatty acids and are rich in so many vitamins and minerals. If we take a closer look at the debunking of the myth of this actual type of berry, we can see just how rich they are in nutrients. Without getting too specific, these fruits are fantastic sources of vitamins C, E, K, and B6 and also contain magnesium and potassium. While I know the word fat may scare some, fat is actually essential for every cell inside of our bodies, and avocado contains the healthiest of fats which actually can help us feel fuller between meals. Shockingly, this green squishy fruit even improves digestion, naturally detoxifying our bodies due to its high fiber source. Most importantly though, avocados reduce depression risk, due to their source of folate, which is extremely important for me as a busy, stressed, college student. I’ve given you a glimpse into the somewhat scientific world of the avocado, now let me introduce you to just a few of the ways a person can incorporate avocados into their diet.


   The rise of the avocado, coined America’s most recent new favorite fruit, is a history often debated. Due to the continual changes and personalization of recipes by many reputable chefs and even students like me, there is absolutely no one way to make avocado toast. Three best types of avocado toast:

The Homemade:

   Personally, after a quick workout or just on a lazy Sunday, my absolute favorite brunch: a slice of Dave’s Killer Bread topped with half an avocado. How to best prepare this toast you may ask, well my routine consists of only a few easy steps. First, I slice up about half an avocado and place it in a bowl to mix with a splash of lemon or lime juice, a dash of salt and pepper, and sometimes a pinch of garlic powder if I’m looking for more flavor. After mixing those ingredients cohesively, I spread the green goodness upon two halves of the slightly toasted bread. My staple finisher whenever I craft this dish at home would be to top it with a drizzle of olive oil and a few shakes of red pepper flakes for a final kicker of spice…and voila!

health benefits of avocado toast
Lyles Parsell

The Cafe:

   My home city of Charleston is notorious for its variety of local restaurants from large chains to the quaintest of cafes. Above is an image from the Park Cafe, now known as Park and Grove, located on Rutledge Avenue in downtown Charleston. Here’s a hack: for a quick protein boost and to create a more well-rounded meal, top your toast with a scrambled or fried egg! This is definitely a favorite addition of mine if I’m out for brunch with friends and haven’t eaten yet that day. Also, might I add that a tart grapefruit seals the deal when it comes to getting those sweet and salty cravings all at once. Honestly, you can’t go wrong with this dish, the fresh bread, the fresh fruit, and fresh avo will make your day.

health benefits of avocado toast
Lyles Parsell

The Fancy:

   Here’s where we get into the nitty gritty preferences of it all. Do you prefer your avos smushed or sliced? Do you prefer it topped with lemon or lime juice? A side of fruit or a side salad? For me, it’s all of the above. Recently, I have become so open to trying all types of preparations as I continue to explore the many cafes and restaurants of my hometown. This “fancier” preparation of avocado toast comes from Babas on Cannon, one of my favorite spots with the best iced lattes and cutest outdoor seating.

   To conclude this article I just wanted to say: when dipping your toes into the vast world of avocado toast, I recommend just diving right in!

health benefits of avocado toast
Lyles Parsell



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Lyles Parsell

Wake Forest '24

My name is Lyles and I'm from Charleston, SC. I love food and am super interested in discovering new restaurants or easy recipes. While I may not be the best cook, my family has been in the restaurant business since before I was born. My dad owns Magnolias restaurant located in downtown Charleston. We specialize in southern cuisine so fried chicken and pimento cheese are some of my favorite dishes! I'm excited to take photos of and write about my food experiences whether they be in Winston-Salem, Charleston, or hopefully abroad next year!