Until recently, the rite of passage that is “Bring Your Own Cup Day” at 7-11 was only a thing in Canada, Australia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Now, 2015 will forever be remembered as the year the United States showed the rest of the world what gluttony really means.
1. The dude who found the best excuse to skip leg day

Photo courtesy of Brandon McNeal
Making gains and freezing brains. The only way this guy’s post-workout cool down could’ve been any better would be if he took an ice bath in the beautiful concoction.
2. The woman who made every day leg day

Photo courtesy of Gwen Shere
Kinda like the leg lamp, but less fra-gee-lay. And it’s from 7-11 rather than Italy.
3. The guy who REALLY makes every day leg day

Photo Courtesy of Cheron Lewis
When #1 and #2 are compared to Australian paralympic swimmer Sam Bramham, they…well, you can say they don’t have a leg to stand on.
4. The mom who realizes you only get to be a kid once

Photo courtesy of Lily Navarro
This is one of those nights that you get a babysitter and say you “just don’t know what got into them” when you hear the report of how absolutely out of their minds they were.
5. The guy who remembered today was 4/20
I’m sure this Slurpee is for medicinal purposes only. Good luck blaming your bloodshot eyes on allergy season.
6. The guy who made sure his Slurpee game was fresh (and wrinkle free)
#bringyourowncupday A photo posted by greyism (@yunggreysocks) on
Somebody needs to invent Slurpee pods and credit me with the idea. The tides are changing.
7. The couple who isn’t as concerned with freshness
White people #bringyourowncupday A photo posted by WhiteVsBlack (@whitevsblackinst) on
Once you add up the cost of plumbing and the almost certain trip to the doctor’s office, that $1.49 any size Slurpee gets a little more expensive. Worth it all the same.
8. The bro who found the one thing better than alcohol to fill his cooler with

Photo courtesy of Reid Clark
You already know who all the girls are gonna be flocking to during beach week.
9. The guy who found the one thing better than alcohol to fill his alcohol with

Photo courtesy of Gabriel Downs
Notice the heavenly glow around the Slurpee. That’s no coincidence. This stuff is food of the gods.
10. The dude who finally found his muse

Photo courtesy of Ian Orcutt
Say cello to my little friend.
11. The man who may just have discovered the solution for world peace
2015 is indeed a monumental year for Murica. To any brave souls who think themselves capable of one-upping these geniuses, I say break a leg. (Just when you thought you were done with leg jokes.)
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