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How to Get Wine Girl Wasted

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Vandy chapter.

From our fascinations with vodka gummy bears and other alcohol-infused treats like popsicles and jello shots, we are always looking for new ways to consume our liquor. With the way everyone’s tolerance seems to grow exponentially in college paired with the elusive task of finding something to drink that isn’t gag-worthy, there seems to be no other choice!


Photo Courtesy of Ari Richman

For every girl out there who seeks comfort in either a pint (or more, no judgments here!) of ice cream or a bottle (okay, bottles…) of wine, your prayers have been answered. With a trade-secreted formula, Mercer’s Dairy has made sure that we never have to choose between the two with their creation of nationally and internationally award-winning Wine Ice Cream.

This is not a drill; with a 5% alcohol content you can officially get ice-cream wasted (if you don’t fall into a food coma first). Eight flavors, including Cherry Merlot, Chocolate Cabernet, Peach White Zinfadel, Port, Red Raspberry Chardonnay, Spice, Strawberry Sparkling and Riesling, can please a wide variety of tastes and spice up any girly gathering.

Lucky for us, everyone of age on the Spoon team at Vandy got to try FREE SAMPLES of this beautiful creation. We were surprised by mousse-like consistency and winey aftertaste all four flavors had.

Strawberry Sparkling was fluffy and light, and the champagne and fruity tastes complemented each other perfectly. The Chocolate Cabernet had a rich and decadent flavor, more chocolatey than winey and definitely a group favorite. We could see ourselves eating multiple pints of it. The Red Raspberry Chardonnay was similar to the Strawberry Sparkling in its fruitiness, but also sweeter. Spice was the strongest of the four- definitely tasted more like wine than ice cream- and left a strong aftertaste. It was more of an acquired taste, but still smooth and luscious like the Chocolate Cabernet.

When choosing which flavors to try, consider your own flavor preferences between fruity, heavy and strong.


Photo Courtesy of Ari Richman

Many locations across the country carry Mercer’s, but even if your campus isn’t near any of these, you can have your ice cream overnighted to you on dry ice. This opens up a whole new way to send someone (or yourself) a thoughtful and tasty gift, and with prices like $7.95 a pint (plus the varied cost of overnight shipping) it can be somewhat affordable too. Order forms can be emailed to mercersdairy@gmail.com and while you must be 21 or older to purchase, you can prove your identification on the order form by just providing your birth date!

It’s a new year, and now we have a new way to get drunk and be satisfied at the same time. Thank you, Mercer’s Dairy.