1. Starvation

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Its been a long Tuesday, but finally it’s over and time for dinner. Your mouth is watering at the thought of a warm Superfood wrap and the sound of veggie burger is giving you heart palpitations. You even check the specials online during class. Spicy cauliflower? Count me in.
2. Disappointment

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You stroll in the Grins around 7 o’clock only to find a line longer than those at Disney World. Panic sets in. “Minimum 30 minute wait for food from when you order,” Austin announces. Life is looking pretty bad right now.
3. Strength and determination

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You’re starving and waited all day for this, so you decide to suck it up and make the most of it by checking all your social media accounts. You did not just suffer through a four hour lab to not be rewarded with a Superfood and some pasta salad. You look at the bright side: as people are getting off line, you’re just one step closer.
4. Contemplation

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Hey look– you’re almost there. You grab a menu and even though you’ve been here upwards of 300 times, you think about what you should add to your order. Spiced apples? Corn salsa? You can almost taste the miso honey on your lips.
5. Hatred for everyone on line

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Did that girl just cut the whole line because her friends tried to subtly sneak her in front of them? Oh hell no. She better not take my cauliflower. Whatever. Maybe they’ll spit in her vegan Mac & Cheese.
6. Anticipation

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Finally, so close. You’ve got the hot sides to your right, the chalkboard within reading distance and you’re feeling pretty invincible. Heck, you could probably take an Orgo test right about now. Actually, no, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. The Grins line is bad, really bad, but ’tis no feat compared to Orgo.
7. Screwing the system

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And now you’re up. It’s time to use your insider tips. You put on your cutest smile and ask to try the soup. Of course you don’t want the soup, though. You regurgitate the order you’ve had in your head for the past 20 minutes and hope they won’t charge you extra for the 17 ingredients you added.
8. Victory

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Upon turning around you find a sea of other desperately hungry girls all lined up and the only thought that goes through you’re head is “see ya, wouldn’t want to be ya.”